Fransykes~ Friendly enemy

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Thanks so much to you guys out there who actually read this crap :3  I promise it's going to be more excting in later chapters. (and still, it might be TRIGGERING.)

Today was Thursday. It was 5 days since the incident with Oliver. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Even though he had tried to kill me I wasn't mad with him. I was more curious about him. And I felt like I needed to figure out everything about him.

Today was also the first day back at work, and I was excited to see Oliver. They had explained to me that Oliver had hid a razor blade and used that to cut my wrist open. After the incident they had taken everything away from Oliver and checked him twice for any kind of weapon. They had even locked him in trying to talk things out with him. But he refused to talk and demanded to see me. I was the only person Oliver wanted to talk to. But as stupid as everyone was they kept me away from him.

I walked down the familiar white halls. Everyone looked at me and shoot me this 'I'm sorry' look. This place loved gossip and everyone working here knew what happened between me and Oliver.

I was currently heading for therapy, seeing as they thought I might need it after the incident. They all thought I was going crazy after what happened. In all reality I was as calm as ever. I always thought of everyone being crazy from the start. The patients we had here were the most normal people of us all. They expressed their insanity and came as they were. Us other people lived a lie in hope to be accepted. If that wasn't crazy behavior, then I don’t know.
Normal was just a word. A word we all used to hide; in this place, crazy was normal, and strangely enough that calmed me. Nobody would look at me like crazy in here, and I could freely be who I desired to be.

I reached the waiting room too my therapist and sat down in the chair. And surprisingly enough it was white. Who would have guessed that? Note my sarcasm as I speak.

My eyes searched the room. It was all white with chairs placed along the walls. There were some magazines placed on a small little table in one of the corners. There were mostly celebrity gossip and some top gear magazines there. Nothing really interesting. 
My big passion had always been music. But in a way I ended up working in a mental ward instead. It’s funny how dreams just blow up and become a faint thought of what could have happened.

One of the doors opened and a little woman came out. 
"Mr. Franceschi. You can come in now." She smiled and held the door open so I could enter. I entered the room and cheered a little on the inside when I saw the room had colors. The woman introduced herself as Mrs. Jones and told me to sit down in one of the chairs. I did as she said, and watched as she sat down in the chair on the other side of the table.

"Tell me Mr. Franceschi. Are you feeling any different after your incident with Mr. Sykes?" She went straight to point asking me this. I hated when people called me Mr. Franceschi. It was josh or nothing.
"It's Josh." I was quick with telling her.

Have I felt any different since the incident? No. I was just wondering about Oliver. About how I was going to get into his head, and how I was going to make him better. The one thing I could think off that may have disturbed me was the image of my blood being painted on each of these white walls. Red had become my favorite color.

"No, just the urge to help him more." she looked up from the paper she was taking notes on. Her glasses were hanging on the tip of her nose and her eyes gave me the most suspicious look ever.

"You don’t feel angry or scared? Not wanting to quit your work? Feeling like isolating yourself from people? Trust issues? Anything?" She had a concerned look on her face. I just shook my head and smiled. Then she went back to noting things down.

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