Fransykes~ Locked in for life

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Hey people!  

Just wanted to say that i hope you like it. It was just a sick idea i came up with. I apologize if it's bad written ( I'm from Norway )   Sooo thank you for any vote and comment! Just give it a chance, it may seem boring and all that in the start but i promise, it will get somewhat better.

TRIGGER WARNING! mentions of self harm and EDs. 

 Josh Pov.

White walls, white curtains, white clothes, white bed sheets. Everything was white. Simple and white. Nothing I haven't seen before. If you weren't crazy from before, then you certainly became it in here.

My name was Josh Franceschi and I worked in a mental ward. And today was just another day; walking down these plain halls, listening to the faint screams of the patients, feel the cold stares bore into your neck. Yes, and sadly this was just a part of the job.

Today was Sunday, that meant new patients. It was pretty much just as much of an excitement each time; you never knew what you got.

I lined up with my coworkers. Again, white was the only color seen flashing through these hallways. Why white? Why didn't we choose blue or something? That was a way nicer color than white. White wasn't even a color. It was just plain and boring. How was white going to make people better? If you ask me I think it made people more insane.

The heavy doors to the mental ward opened and some nurses and doctors came walking in alongside with the new patients. This had to be the light of the day for me. It was the only time I got to see colors. The patients were dressed in their normal clothes until we made them change into the usual white uniform. It felt horrible to rip their personality away from them and blend them with the others. We took everything they owned and they were left alone with only their mind. I never understood why exactly. Their mind is their biggest fear and enemy, and we leave them alone with each other. It would kill them and make them crazier. Just like the surrounding white color.

I was greeted by a nurse with long blonde hair, which I knew from somewhere. She gave me some documents and made me sign some papers. As she smiled her forced smile to the patient for the last time, she walked off. The patient she had handed me was a woman in her middle 40s. She was put in here for schizophrenia and attacking her daughter. I read through the paper and noted everything that could be more important than other things.

"Hello Kaitlin. My name is Josh and I'm going to be your main doctor through your stay. If anything is wrong you call, and everything that goes on with you goes through me. Is that okay?" She nodded as she looked confused around the place probably wondering where she was. It was understandable seeing as she might have been another personality when she agreed to be put in here.

I followed Kaitlin to her room through the now crowded hall. Kaitlin got a single room since she could attack at any time, considering earlier. As we walked down the hall I explained her where the showers were and the phone, and everywhere else.

When we reached her room I gave her the white uniform. She willingly changed into it and gave me her old clothes. I put it in a bag with Kaitlin's name on it. I then gathered her stuff and put in a similar bag. The last thing I did before walking off was making sure she was alright with everything and making sure she understood everything perfectly. She luckily had no problems and I could walk of as she got used to the place.

I walked to the front desk and gave the lady sitting there, Kaitlin's things and received more documents about Kaitlin. This one read what medication's she was on and needed. It also read when all her therapy would take place and what group therapies she was on. I thanked her before putting the documents together with my other ones, and heading back to Kaitlin again.

Fransykes~ Locked in for lifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt