chapter 8!

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I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it to reveal my mother standing there with an iced capp from Tim Horton’s.

“Thought this would help your throat. Feeling any better?” She asked, as she invited herself into my messy bedroom.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Good, school tomorrow then.” She said.

I sighed.

“Mom, do I have to?” I asked, feeling my anxiety level go up just thinking about going back.

“Well, why wouldn’t you?” She asked.

“Austin broke up with me, mom.” I said.

“What, when? Why?” She asked.

“I don’t know.” I lied, not wanting to tell her the real reason because then she’ll definitely take Austin’s side.

“But now, everyone at school is calling me a whore and spreading rumours and I just can’t go back! Please don’t make me.” I cried to her.

“Vanessa, you need to go back.” She said.

“Why?” I yelled.

“How else are you going to get an education?” She asked.

“Homeschool!” I said.

“I can’t afford to stay home to homeschool you. I wish I could, I really do.” She said.

“Mom, people are telling me to kill myself all over the internet.” I blurted out, crying.

“They’re what?” She asked.

“You heard me.” I sobbed.

She hugged me, tight.

“You can stay home for the rest of the week.” She said.

I waited for more, but there was none.

She got up, not letting me see her face.

“Mom?” I asked.

She didn’t turn around to face me.

“Yes?” She asked, choking on her tears.

“Is this what happened to Samantha?” I asked, scared of what she’d say.

“Yes, but it was much worse. Let’s hope it doesn’t get worse.” She said, exiting my room quickly.

She wasn’t going to do anything about it?

I sighed, feeling lonely.

Today was Wednesday, which meant I have 4 days to pull myself together. Alright, I can do this.

“Feeling any better than you did yesterday?” Elizabeth asked, pulling up a chair beside me in Tim Horton’s.

“Not really. I guess it didn’t really help that Austin showed up to talk with my brother though. He also tried talking to me too, but I sortof just ignored him and told him to leave.

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