Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

"Clothes, shoes, make-up..." I say to myself double checking that I have everything for my trip this morning.

I'm excited to get away for awhile. All my friends got to leave earlier because they didn't have to take exams, unlike me.

I walk over to my mirror to take one more look at myself. I run my hands through my long, wavy blonde hair and decide I look really good today. My bright green eyes remind me of summer, I surprisingly did my make up well this morning. Can't go wrong with foundation, a little blush, with a light pink eye shadow, eyeliner lightly traced the outside of my eyes making them pop, ending with the mascara making my eye lashes endless. I'm wearing a bright pink shirt, with shorts, and bright pink vans to match my shirt. I felt good about the way I looked so I grabbed my bags and headed down the stairs.

As I was walking downstairs I smelled coffee. My mom was already up and moving around, probably excited and wanted to see me before I left.

"Mom, that coffee smells good pour me a cup." I said smiling at her as she told me

good morning. She sat the cup in front of me all nervous like. I looked up at her an asked her what was wrong.

"Nothing." She replied as she turned away.

"Mom!" I exclaimed. She turned around to look at me, smiling she was now holding a box in her hand.

"I got you something, Ranye.' I look at her with a huge smile and grab the box from her. I open it only to find the most breathtaking diamond necklace ever. It's heart shaped with a huge diamond in the middle and diamonds all the way around.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it as I whispered, "Thank you so much mom. I love you." I felt her arms wrap around me in a warm embrace.

"I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I loved you before you left sweetie. I'm going to miss you so much." She says into my ear before giving me a kiss.

After a bunch of chatting and saying goodbyes, I head out.

*************hours later*************

The plane has finally taken off and the pilot told us we could take off our seat belts. I have a long nineteen hour flight ahead of me, I sighed. I put in my headphones and listen to Justin Bieber's new album Believe.

Yes, I am a belieber and I can't help it. I got that Bieber Fever. While listening to my music I look around the plane. I see a mom and her baby, who is throwing a fit and crying which makes me extremely happy that I brought headphones. I see an old couple holding hands which makes me smile. I see.. a CUTE boy. Well, I think anyways. I can only see the back of his head but I can already tell he is going to be mouth watering.

I decide to lean over out of my chair to get a better look. I still couldn't get a look at his face so I leaned over even more to the point where I was almost out of my chair. I see the boy turn around as someone behind had tapped on his shoulder. When he finally is turned around all the way, he makes eye contact with me and that's when I fall out of my seat completely.

There's no way in hell what I just saw was real. I think I just-

I don't know I um-

Maybe my minds playing tricks on me but I'm pretty positive I just saw... "Justin Bieber." I whisper to myself. I close my eyes refusing to get up just yet. I wait a few more seconds before deciding its probably safe and he most likely isn't still turned around.

Boy was I wrong. I sat up and he was looking straight at me with a childish smirk on his face, I could tell that he had been laughing. But I didn't care, I could barely breathe at this point. I'm having eye contact with JUSTIN BIEBER. After a few seconds I suddenly realize how embarrassing all of this had been so I quickly look down and blush. I glance back up and Justin was motioning his finger indicting he wanted me to come over.

"No way." I thought to myself as I looked behind me making sure he wasn't talking to anyone else. I slowly bring my finger up and point it at myself and mouth the word, "Me?" with a questioning look on my face. He nods his head yes and does that smirk again. So, I get up.. I mean what else are you going to do when Justin Bieber tells you to go see him?

I slowly and carefully glide across the plane watching every step I take to avoid any further embarrassment, one mistake was enough for me today. As I walk up to him I give him a shy smile and whisper, "Hello."

He looks up at me and says, "Hey sweetheart." with a huge smile. Which makes me smile bright. I asked him why he wanted me to come over to him. All of a sudden his smiley face becomes straight and rigid my smile fades as he says, "Well, I wanted to get a good look at the girl who completely just ate it." Halfway through his sentence he broke out into laughter.

Completely and utterly upset because I wasn't expecting such rudeness to come from Justin Bieber. Everyone would expect him to ask me how I was and to check on me, not to be a complete asshole. He continued to make a few more remarks about how clumsy I was and then spat, "But it's okay, you're cute."

I glare at him, still hurt at what he had said before. Him calling me cute once was not going to make up for it. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't give me butterflies, because it did, but I sure as hell didn't want him knowing that.

I looked him up and down and he noticed and said, "Like what you see, sweetheart?" I laughed at his remark and spat, "Not in a millions years, Bieber."

He smirked, "Oh so you know who I am? Good."

I laughed to myself, "How could I not know you? You had a baby with that Mariah Yeater girl, right?" I then smiled at how clever I was.

That wiped the smirk right off of his face as he spat, "I believe you were misinformed. That was a rumor."

I gave him an innocent smile, "Oops." I shrugged my shoulders and walked off. I could feel him glaring at me.

I get back to my seat, beyond pissed, and decide to take a nap. A nap was needed after you find our your idol was a complete asshole, so a nap I took.


I wake up to people yelling and screaming. The plane was going in all directions

throwing people around. I stand up trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I look over at the baby who was throwing a fit earlier, he was in his mothers arms as she was whispering things into his ear. She looks worried and scared.. everyone does.

"We're doing everything we can to keep the plane from going down, please calm down it will make our jobs easier." the pilot says over the intercom. I look around and see Justin staring at me. I give him a questioning look as he mouths, "I'm sorry."

and just at that moment I'm thrown against a window and the world goes black.


It feels like days later when I wake up, the sun shining right in my face. I sit up feeling disgusting because I'm wet and covered in sand. I look around trying to remember everything that happened.

I remember getting thrown against something, people screaming.. Justin! Justin apologized to me. Wait. The plane. Where's the plane?

I stand up, and looking around I see nothing. Nothing to be seen but water, sand, and trees for miles.

Great, the plane crashed and it looks like I'm the only survivor. At this point I'm ready to start bawling. But crying wont help. I know what I need to do, what the most important thing for survival is.

"Fire. I need to make a fire." I whisper to myself and then laugh a little because I have no idea how to make a fire. But I set off for firewood anyway.

Hours later I'm still attempting to make a fire. I'm getting agitated. No matter how many times I try and no matter how many different techniques I attempt the fire refuses to start. I look around and the sun is already starting to go down. Helpless and scared, I lay down in the sand and start crying. I don't care how much sand sticks to me all I want is a damn fire and I can't make one. How on earth am I even supposed to survive out here without a fire. I cry even louder and then I hear something. I immediately stop and sit up.

I look around, scanning the area as I see a silhouette approaching me. I squint my eyes and put my hand over the sun blocking its wildly bright rays to see who's coming towards me as I hear, "Hey sweetheart!"

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