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A/N: *dodges rocks and sticks* I know it's been a long time since I've updated this story, but I've really been running dry here! The only things I can think of are actual chaptered stories, and that's probably most of what you'll get here for a while! This is a preview for a futuristic AU with cyborgs and other stuff like that. I need a title for this! I'm really stuck! Please help! On with the story!

Somethings, cannot be explained, cannot be reasoned by logic. Men thought that they could understant those things by creating robots in the bodies of humans, later on known as cyborgs. Mostly made of humans near death and mechanical parts, they have a beating heart, and a razor sharp brain. They also have feelings and mostly human flesh except for occasional parts of their limbs and sometimes faces, but choose to surpress those feelings, making them more robotic than human.

After a virus spread, they gained the intelligence necessary, and all went haywire, creating more, and more, and more of their kind, driving the human race into a frenzy of fear from their own creations. However, some of the cyborgs made defect, though very few, and are elliminated as soon as possible. 

"Levy! Hurry! They'll catch up!" Wendy Marvell, one of the few defected cyborgs shouted, her short frame growing tired from running so often. Her mechanical leg clanked against the ground loudly, her shoes had been burned off by lasers that had slightly burned her other human leg. She also had a metal shoulder, and she was considered lucky because of the lack of mechanics in her body. Levy McGarden, one of her friends, was less than half an inch taller than her though she was much older. 

Levy had a robotic attachment to the side of her head going around her left eye, another to the far right of her chin, both her entire arms and her left foot were all mechanic. 

"Wendy! They're gaining on us!" Levy shouted and the darker haired girl turned around, seeing the mechanic fleets flying in the air after them. Only then did she notice most of the defects were nowhere in sight, leaving only her, and Levy. Her eyes widened but she continued to run, Levy following behind her.

She heard a cry and turned aorund, seeing Levy on the ground, her mechanic leg held down by a high density magnet. Tears were in her eyes and she looked up, the fleet coming closer and closer. "Wendy! Go!" She shouted and Wendy hesitantly turned around and kept on running, trying to tune out her friend's screams as much as possible. 

Daring one look back, she saw Levy, her eyes half open and dull, blood falling from the human parts of her. 

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