Last Kiss

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A/N: Sorry for not updating  ;( I was planning to, but I've been pretty busy with other works and back to school stuff. I dedicate this story to @MoonlightFox500 :) this is a non-fiction story, so there are no fantasy or magic or stuff like that, and also, leave in the comments if I should make more War based stories like this one, an if I should make more non-fictions. Ok don't want to waste anymore of your time. On with the story! I'm really excited for this one ;D this is my favourite so far. Ok now the story for real!

A Great War had broken out between the land of Magnolia, and the land of Crocus.

All men capable from the age of 12 to 50 were sent into battle. The women were not aloud to help the men with fighting.

"Wendy! You should really get going like all of us are doing! It's too dangerous for you to be here!" One of the nurses shouted to the new young nurse, Wendy Marvell.

"I'm sorry Lucy, but I can't! Someone needs to stay to heal the soldiers who have a chance at surviving! I'm going to stay.... Just in case so we don't loose any more forces!" Wendy said.

The eighteen year old nurse was afraid to stay out near the battlefield, in a run down hospital where enemy forces could easily come in and kill her at any moment.

There was more then one reason why Wendy stayed behind at the hospital. One, she wanted to heal those who were injured because she didn't like the thought of others dying when she could've done something, and two, she wanted to make sure that her boyfriend would be okay.

Wendy sighed and sat in the small infirmary which was the only place where she could treat people.

Banging footsteps were heard down the hall and her heart beat increased. The doors slammed open making her jump.

They were soldiers from Magnolia. They carried a dark purple haired boy in their arms and Wendy's heart broke.

They placed him on one of the beds. "Leave him to me." She said meekly getting everything she needed.

He was panting with his eyes closed, and sweat trickled down his forehead.

Wendy looked where the wounds were and found one on his leg, his shoulder, and the right side of his chest. Three bullets had hit him. Tears came to her eyes but she blinked them away focusing on what she needed.

She couldn't use painkillers or he'd fall asleep,and they were running low on it.

Wendy took a deep breath, and in her most soothing voice, she spoke; "Romeo, I want you to relax all your muscles and try the best you can to stay lying down and be calm. Can you do that for me?"

He started relaxing and Wendy took one of her tools to first remove the bullets

The first one she did was the one on his shoulder.

She removed his shirt to make sure the wound wouldn't get infected and dabbed it with a wet cloth.

She then took her tool and began removing the bullet, as slowly and as painless as she could.

It still hurt very much and he tried to do as she told and remain calm all the while staying awake and once she removed the bullet, she took bandages and wrapped his shoulder in them tightly.

She was mostly glad that it was the right side of his chest and not the left where his heart was.

She did the same process for the two other bullets as she did the first, and she heaved a sigh in relief.

His eyes were opened weakly. "Wendy...." He murmured and she stroked his cheek. "Shhh. You need to keep your strength. Don't try to speak." She said brushing her fingers through his hair.

A loud sound echoed through the silence and Wendy tensed up and closed her eyes. The siren used to alert the people that there was an automic bomb coming.

 She opened them and Romeo sat up. "So this is it, isn't it?" He said with tears in his own eyes.

She nodded and they hugged each other.

Wendy shook trying to muffle her sobs as most possible.

Romeo lifted her head and bent down. Wendy closed her eyes as lips were on hers.

They pulled apart and Romeo held her close to him. "I love you, Romeo." She said tears running down her face. He held her tighter and whispered. "I love you too, Wendy."

A blinding light appeared and a loud explosion blew up the hospital along with the battlefield near it.

A/N: weren't expecting me to be so cruel were you? While I was writing this an upbeat remix started playing and I felt "how could you be so insensitive Phone? How?!" Well I hope you liked this and that it made your heart kill. ;D always need a little sad story to make you remember you're human ;)







~ Strawberry-Chan

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