What if.... Part 1

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A/N: Woo hoo another story! I'm probably gonna write more stories, for this book, today 'cause I got a total of three ideas couting this one. I hope I do hehehe..... On with the story! Oh, and this is also a non-fiction (He been writing a lot of those lately haven't I?) Now on with the story for realz!

What if pigs could fly? What if cows could actually jump over the moon? What if the fork could run away with the spoon? Such were everyday thoughts that crossed young Wendy Marvell's mind. Certain thoughts repeated themselves over and over everyday in the girl's thoughts.

What if there was such thing as love for a girl like me? Was the thought that always reappeared no matter how much she tried to get it to leave her alone.

She fell onto her soft bed, the orphan wrestling with her thoughts once again. She was highly intelligent, and she had created a parent who 'took care of her'. It was really just a made up person, so she wouldn't have to go into an orphanage.

She sighed and burried her face in her hands. One thing that she hated about herself was that she always daydreamed things that were impossible and she knew it. She would never fall in love, she was just not lovable. She would never have real parents, or parents at all for that matter, she would never have a cat. She loved cats. But she didn't have the money to care for one.

She had many enemies, mostly girls, since she was the only one who stood up to them and didn't let them push her around. She had no friends, no family, nothing.

She would give anything just to have any of those. Her deepest wish was to, in fact, fall in love and have her own family. She knew it was a silly wish, and like said before, one that would never come true.

She sat up and started getting ready for her first job. She had multiple jobs, to make sure that she would have enough money to survive.

Her first job was at the movie theatre. She stood at the counter, the short line benifiting her. A boy with dark purple hair then walked up to the counter and their gazes met for a moment. "One large popcorn, a root beer and a ticket to Transformers in 3D" He said and she quietly got his order ready.

She gave him his order and he payed. He walked away and her heart was beating wildly. What the heck?! Why is my heart beating so.... fast? Why do I feel so uneasy with him around? Maybe it's just 'cause he did something? Ughh I'm so confused.... She thought and snapped back to reality when she heard someone say 'Um, excuse me, Miss?" She looked at them and nodded. "Sorry. I was thinking about something. What would you like?" She asked as if nothing happened.

After her shift ended it was seven PM she went to the restaurant she was also working at until 9 PM, it was more of a fast food place then a restaurant. And that fast food restaurant was, the one and only McDonalds. She had the education, it was just an easy job that she could do for a few hours and plus she got a discount whenever she ate there.

She got her uniform on and walked to the cash register where she relieved the other worker from duty.

Two boys walked in, and her eyes widened slightly before she forced them back to original size.

They walked up to the counter and her gaze met with one of the boys'. She swallowed and waited for them to order.

After ordering, they left to go sit at a table. This is the second time I see this guy today. Why does he keep showing up at my jobs? Is he stalking me? No, he seemed surprised to see me here too..... Why is life so confusing?! She thought ready to rip her hair out of her head. She sighed and wished that she could slump in a chair and sink inside of it. 

1 Day Later....

After her morning shift at the book store, Wendy headed off to her highschool, Fairy Tail High. To her it was the stupidest name for a school ever imagniable.

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