A broken heart or a broken heart?

Comenzar desde el principio

" Are you crying?" He asked

" I'm just so happy to hear your voice" I said

"Aw I miss you too but it's just three more days" He said and that made me smile and feel better. 

" Yeah three tuf days" I said 

" I see, your having guy problems" He said

"  Yeah kind of" 

" Talk to me Elena, I can't guess what the problem is you know"

" Have mom told you that I got in at that music university in England?" 

" Yeah congrats btw"

" Thanks, I wish it just was that easy to just fly home and then fly to England and just live my life" 

" Why can't it be that easy?" 

" Because I have a boyfriend here" 

" So?" 

" So, I'm going to have a long distance relationship that will end after a month and I will get my heart broken again, but if I end it before I leave I will get my heart broken and Nick will think I just dated him because I wanted a summer romance" 

" Yeah it's not a easy situation you have put yourself in but can I just ask you a question?" 

" Sure"

" Do you think that if you and Nick don't end it that it's going to work if you two fight for it to work?" 

I sat quiet for a moment to think and I realized that Oscar was right, it's not going to work. Nick and I will fight hard in the beginning but then when they start their tour in October it will get harder and it will end up with that no one of us have the energy to fight for it. Because when we are going to try to find time where he can come vist me or I can visit him something will come in the way. Which will make that no one of us will try to find time to come visit each other because we already know it's not going to work.

" No" I said and I hated me for saying it .

" Then the best thing you can do is to talk to him say that the long distance thing is not going to work, because then both of you can end it and still remain friends" 

" How can you be so smart when it comes to relationships but not when it comes to education?" I asked and he started laughing. 

" Because other wise we wouldn't be able to help each other" He answered.

" Haha that's true!"

" I'm sorry sis but I have to hang up, but it will all work out just be honest!"

" I will, love you bro!"

" Love you too, bye" 

" Bye"

I hung up and I started to feel a little bit less confused because I now knew what I had to do and there is no other way.

" Hey Elena! what are you doing out here?" I looked up to see Nick standing in the door way into the house. 

" I have just find my thinking spot" I said 

" Haha okay, can you come in we have some news!" He said. I was going to ask what kind of news but instead I stood up and walked into the house with him. We walked into the living room where everyone including Niall was sitting quietly. 

" What's going on?" I asked Sarah as I sat down next to her in the couch.

" I don't know?" She answered.

" So what's the big news?" I asked. 

" Well" Joe said as he stood up from the couch and walked to the middle of the room where he could see all of us. " At our meeting we found out that our stylist is pregnant and she have decided to not come with us on tour, because she has some things to take care of now. So we need a new stylist and her name is Sofie" Joe said and pointed at Sofie who was in chock!

"m...m...m.... me?" Sofie asked

" Yes you, do you see any other girls named Sofie in this room?" Joe asked

" OMG!!" Sofie screamed and throw herself in Joe's arms, it was a dream come true for her or two. Working as a stylist and for not having a long distance relationship.

"Congrats Sofie!" I said and hugged her so did everyone else. I walked up to Nick it was time.

" Hey, can we talk?" I asked 

" Sure" he answered and we walked outside and sat down under my "thinking tree". It's now or never.


So it's time for the talk, do you think Nick will understand?

Next chapter will be the last one but I'm thinking about making a sequel but I'm not sure yet...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

The summer that changed my life (Nick Jonas fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora