He knew he wanted to sing when his passed over grand mother told him that he had the voice of an angel. Sure, it was a bit silly for him to decide his future on something that could have been a white lie, but Baekhyun believed every word that came out of his grand mother's mouth.

So he decided to go to this 'great big and amazing' school that Kyungsoo was always talking about. Kyungsoo told him that there were a ton of opportunities and roads Baekhyun could take, including singing, writing, sports, acting or even cooking.

Of course Baekhyun couldn't say no to something so promising, and so he just decided to flow with it and try it out. If it didn't work, then he'd just leave.

Next Tuesday was his first day of school... And he would be lying if he said he wasn't excited.


Tuesday came a lot faster than Baekhyun thought, surprising him with the loud shrill of his chicken alarm clock.

Baekhyun's arm darted out from under the covers and hastily pressed the large button on the top, silencing the thing.

He laid there for a few more moments before he threw his blankets aside and stared at the ceiling blankly. It was dark outside, it being November and all. Even if it did dampen his mood a little, it certainly didn't show. He sat up and hung his feet over the edge, thinking about what to wear that day. It was his first day after all, trying to dress nice wasn't going to hurt anybody...

He was a bit wrong about that.

It was going to hurt someone.

The moment Baekhyun stepped foot inside of the building, everyone seemed to sense a new presence and turned to him. Their eyes were trained on him like ravens and Baekhyun looked at the ground, walking by quickly.

"Oh my god he's hot..."

"My heart... I can't take it."

Him dressing nicely was going to hurt the girls.


News about Baekhyun travelled the school fast and soon, people were approaching him and trying to be his friend. But of course, his only true friend was Kyungsoo. Oh Sehun, one of the more popular ones, even approached him. Sehun asked for Baekhyun's number for friend reasons but Baekhyun denied politely.

Giving someone your phone number was like saying: Annoy me at any time, I'm always welcome for you.

And honestly, Baekhyun didn't want to give anyone his phone number other than Kyungsoo.

He only caught one glimpse of Chanyeol that day, and that was when the jock was leaning against his locker talking to Junmyeon, the president of the SRG. (Kyungsoo forced Baekhyun to remember the important names.) Baekhyun wondered what type of life Chanyeol had here, what kind of grades and what type of relationships. But Baekhyun shook the thought away, ending it with: I'll figure out one day.

At the end of the day, he spotted a piece of paper tacked onto the big board near the entrance of the school.

In pretty cursive writing, it said:

If you have the guts,
try out for the basketball team.
(Tryouts are Tuesdays after school.)

And that was it. Nothing else but that, no information on what the tryouts are going to be like or what the people in it are like. What a coincidence that that day was Tuesday also.

Baekhyun walked down one of the familiar halls he committed to memory and pushed open the doors, the bright gym lights blasting him in the face.

He watched in awe as the captain of the basketball team played three on one, and even then, he seemed to be winning. Baekhyun watched his long defined limbs, also admiring the jet black hair that was sticking out in different directions.

But the expression on his face was what captured Baekhyun the most. Chanyeol's face was serious and concentrated, but his eyes told different stories altogether. His eyes told Baekhyun that he was happy and having fun, even if sometimes the ball would get stolen from him.

Never had Baekhyun ever been more thrilled to talk to someone.

Baekhyun took a few more steps inside and climbed the bleachers, setting his stuff down and watching the match with shining eyes.

Baekhyun was even more amazed when Chanyeol completely swished the ball in the net from a little over half court, a smile settling onto his face.

"He's great, right?" Someone asked and Baekhyun turned to the side, meeting with Junmyeon.


"Are you just here to watch? Or are you trying to get in?" He asked and Baekhyun shrugged.

"I guess I want to make it in." Before Baekhyun could even take another breath, Junmyeon started yelling.

"Hey Chanyeol!"

Everyone on the court stopped and slowly turned to the sound, looking at Junmyeon and then Baekhyun.

"Go ahead," Junmyeon said and Baekhyun sat there for a few seconds, wondering why in the world Junmyeon did it this way. He eventually stood up reluctantly, walking down the bleachers. Once he was about five feet away from Chanyeol, he took in a breath.

Well, here goes nothing.

"Can I join the basketball team?"

------------ March 3 2016

(Cover BY OhByunHyun go follow her she good)


Bonjour. Hi this is me writing when I am procrastinating my huge French assignment that I have to present. How did you like this chapter? I swear it gets better... Maybe. Not really? Okay no. Anyway did you like the chapter? Ermergerd Jock!Chanyeol makes me so happy blubber flubber what even.

Sorry for the typos, may I have some feedback?

I'll C you guys later. What is wrong with me.

(Cough cough hello it's me writing this roughly one year after finishing this and uhhh lemme tell u that some things are unrealistic and you may cringe but I spent lots of time on this and I hope you enjoy c:)

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