Round 3: Results

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Here are the results for Round 3, the judge's picks will be marked with an '*' by their names. From now on the scores will be the person's total for the whole competition. :D

Emmett Churchill- 10

Ametrine "Aimee" Gairnéad- 51

Serena McCray- -2

James Malok-  16

Mailee Chao- 100

*Zale Cerek- 33

*Ashley Pitts- 73

Titus O'dore- 11

Gia Lasan- 10

Julius Marshall- 44

Amberlynn Dynlain- 110

Astricy Wolden- 4

Sam Tucker- 9

Weson Hagred- 28

Marcus Duncain- 40

Briar Duncain- 31

The six people eliminated are:

Emmett Churchill

Serena McCray

James Malok

Titus O'dore

Astricy Wolden

Sam Tucker

The next round will be posted soon. :D Congrats to everyone in the top ten! :D

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