District 1: Female: Ametrine "Aimee" Gairnéad (OdairApocalypse) (DEAD)

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Name: Ametrine "Aimee" Gairnéad 

Gender: Female 

District: 1

Age: 17

Appearance: Aimee has a typical District 1 look about her. She's breathtakingly beautiful, but in a bit of a haunting way. She has long, straight white-blonde hair that hangs at about waist length. She has flawless ivory skin with the exception of a small burn scar on her left wrist. She may look vain but she's not, her parents hire stylists to dress her and such so she doesn't look unkempt. It's not that Aimee doesn't care about her looks, she just isn't all there enough to try. Her features are delicate as is her frame. Her most beautiful, and haunting, feature is her big, vacant blue eyes. 

Background: Ametrine Gairnéad was born the sixth child of jewelers Luxe and Webber Gairnéad. Her older siblings (three brothers and two sisters) were all popular, smart, and fiercely competitive. They trained for the Games intensely. But from a young age Aimee was... different. She was never quite all there mentally and wasn't like her siblings. She was almost a hidden child, her parents hushing her up so not to disturb their image. It was clear to most that Aimee was insane. She made a friend of her neighbor, Aurum. They eventually fell in love and were secretly engaged. The only time Aimee was allowed in public was to go train for the Games; she was very skilled and Career like. But Aimee has grown up as a secret, a dark one at that. The rotten apple on a perfect family tree.

Token: Her engagement ring which is made of gold to remind her of Aurum (which means gold in Latin). The words 'Morbi nulla perfectum quid loquatur. Te amo.' are engraved on it.

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