Round 6: Entries

72 2 9

Ametrine "Aimee" Gairnéad

I feel like I'm dying. 

No, it's not even that comforting.

I think I welcome death now.

I've been curled up in a tight ball, shivering and sweating, for what feels like hours. They moved me while I was sleeping. I'm not in the Cornucopia anymore. And I'm dying. I can't stop shaking and I keep seeing things. The dead tributes. But I know they're not there. Cause they're dead. Maybe I'm seeing them because I'm dying too. That makes sense.

Please let me die. 

"Hello! President Fantasy here with a message straight from the Capitol!" I hear the dreadfully familar voice and I look up at the sky to see one of the Presidents' faces smiling down at me. I can't really tell which one it is even though she just said her name. My vision goes black and I think I may faint but I stay awake. I'm going to listen to this announcement for once. For once, I'll know what's going on for real.

"Well that lovely little dust storm was just amazing and beautiful wasn't it? I hope you didn't breathe too much of the dust and ash in, want to know why? It was poisonous. You may start feeling the side-effects of that little poison soon, and you WILL know because it's effects include: sweating, dizziness, fainting, hysteria, hallucinations, and ultimately, death." She finishes the little speech and a not-so-delicate shiver goes down my spine. Death. I knew I was dying. Hysteria starts to rise up in me and I almost scream but she cuts me off just in time.

"BUT! We will be having a Feast, with a shot of vaccine for your poisons, better get there fast!" By the time she's finished, I've already gotten to my feet and prepared to find my way back to the Cornucopia. My head spins again but I'm determined to remain on my feet. I'm going to prove that I'm strong.

"There is one other thing though, once you enter the Cornucopia, you won't be able to leave...... until you're the last one standing." The end of the announcement freezes me in my tracks. Last one standing. Tears burn in my eyes.

So this is the beginning of the end.

We're almost done. 

Almost over.

There will be a winner soon.

I grip my sword tight and start back in the direction I think leads to the Cornucopia. My steps are clumsy and almost directionless but I don't fall again. Though my head swims dizzily, I'm not giving up. I feel like there are bugs crawling on me. There are spiders crawling on me. Lots of spiders. I can feel them. They're all over me!

"GET OFF ME!" I shriek hysterically and brush at the 'spiders' on my body. There's nothing there when I look down. But I can swear that I can feel it... I hate spiders...

Trying not to fall apart and have another breakdown, I keep walking. The feeling of a million tiny legs trampling all over my body has subsided but now I see jabberjays everywhere. I can't tell if they're real or not. They speak in familar voices, too familar for comfort.

"I love you Aimee. Keep fighting." Aurum's voice croaks sadly and tears start to fall.

"We love you sweetheart. Kiss kiss." Mother's uncaring yawn echoes in my ears, burning me inside.

"You don't have to keep going Ametrine. It's okay to say goodbye." Daddy says kindly but sadly, his voice just as soft as I remember it.

"Live and let die, Aimee. Live and let die." One of my sisters, maybe Lyssa, coos sadly like I'm a baby.

"You can't give up. This is your chance Aimee. This is it." My own voice comes from the bird's mouth before the hallucination shatters like the glass of my bedroom mirror. I can still feel the sharp pain of my fists slamming into the shards.

The Writers' Games: The PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora