Round 1: The Reaping

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I am President Fantasy, and welcome, one and all, to the first challenge of the Phoenix Games. But before we get to the massacring your fellow tributes and winning eternal glory, we must start with the basics. Just how exactly, did you get to this wonderful place known as the Capitol?

And please, do not say the train, that’s just lame.

We want to know about your Reaping. What was going through your mind when your name was pulled out of that little see-through container? Fear? Excitement? Pride? Or maybe it wasn’t pulled out, and you willingly entered our Games.

We would like to know what was going through that teenage mind at that moment in time, and what you were thinking.

The other Presidents and I would love to hear these stories of yours. Please tell us more about your Reaping.

AND there will be one winner, of our own deciding, who will gain immunity in the next round when the first eliminations take place. All you have to do……is describe your Escort’s grand Capitol grade outfit in stunning detail. Whoever’s we like the best, will be the winner.

But as all Games go, we have rules, please read in the bold print below to see them.

This has been a message from your very own President Fantasy. Thank you! {Insert awesome Capitol theme song here}

To avoid any confusing with having to come up with your escort's name, we have created them for you! Yay! Feel free to laugh, we know they are weird and have very punny names. :D

District 1- Diamond Ray (Female)

District 2- Stone Mason (Male)

District 3- Elektra Vire (Female)

District 4- Bass Waters (Male)

District 5- Poweress Fox (Female)

District 6- Car Train (Male)

District 7- Trea Timber (Female)

District 8- Wearve Designe (Male)

District 9- Grainy Plow (Female)

District 10- Butcher Ranch (Male)

District 11- Agri Rue (Female)

District 12- Coal Trinket (Male)


- You can describe the times before and after the Reaping if you choose, as long as the Reaping is described.

- There is no entry length limit.

- Now is the time to make allies! Allies can help you when you're about to be eliminated! (You DO NOT have to send us a list of your allies. Your allies are your business and shall be kept that way.)

- You must include the Reaping/their volunteering of the other person from your District regardless of whether or not you are allies.

-  Now for the cheesiest rule of all, HAVE FUN!

- Please submit your entries by July 9th - a week from today - 12 a.m. YOUR time zone. They will not be counted if they are late. 

~SPECIAL RULE~ Describe your escort's outfit in great detail, the one with the best outfit (Decided by us, the Presidents) will be given immunity in the next round, but you must send in your next entry to qualify for immunity.

~UNIVERSAL RULE~ If you do not send in 2 entries in a row, you will be eliminated.

~UNIVERSAL RULE~ No talking bad/ berating your fellow tributes. When the time for the arena comes, you CAN kill them then, but until then, don't be rude.

~UNIVERSAL  RULE~ Our word is FINAL. Should you whine/ complain and spam our boards about you being eliminated, you will not be asked to compete in a Games again.

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