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Don't lie, because the same people who believe your lies are also the ones who believe in you.


     AFTER A VERY confusing night, she decided not to go home. Cassandra chose to keep company with Stiles because he still looked completely frightened about the fact that someone has moved Donovan's body. He kept pacing back and forth anxiously and it happened overnight, thus making the two of them didn't get enough sleep. She tried to act normal as much as possible so no one suspected her if she had just seen someone die in the library, because honestly she was so afraid like Stiles. She was terrified that if someone knows, they're going to be reported to the Sheriff. And no matter how much she wanted to skip school today, she just couldn't do it again. That's why she found herself in the school with two of her best friends.

"The Dread Doctors by TR. Mccammon." Lydia read out as they walked into the school.

She was almost spitting out her coffee because heard the name, "What kind of name is that?"

"I think it's not a real name." Malia replied. "They look exactly the same like the men in the masks, right Cassie?"

"Very." She simply said. Lydia suddenly stopped and stared at the book. "What's wrong?"

Lydia shook her head, "I don't know. There's something about it."

"Has anyone actually read the book yet?" Cassandra asked.

"Me. And I didn't understand any of it." Malia replied.

"All of us should probably read it." Lydia suggested.

"Kira's already working on that." Malia said. "Stiles said the author's name is just a pen name. He can't find anything else."

Lydia turned the book and read the summary, "In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive. Days later they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc, and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known only as the Dread Doctors."

Cassandra knitted her eyebrows, "Sounds vaguely familiar."

"How does it end?" Lydia asked.

Malia shrugged as she opened her locker, "It doesn't. This is supposed to be volume one."

"Let me guess, there is no volume two." The strawberry blonde said, sounding annoyed.

"Or maybe, we're living volume two."

"The real question is, is this a novel or someone's prediction?" Lydia said, glancing to the girls.


     TIME PASSED BY totally slow. She just wanted to go home and spend time to relax for a moment because she hadn't slept all night. Her father hasn't called again, and she was eager to ask a lot of questions. She was still thinking about what happened last night and at the same time she also thought of Theo, because last night his behavior was very strange. She sensed that he was hiding something.

"Hey, Cassie," Scott called as he walked towards her. "Free period?"

"Hey. Yeah, you too?"

He nodded, "Why are you absent yesterday?"

"I have to get some things done and it takes all day." She replied.

"Why don't you tell us so that we can help?"

"It's not funny if we all didn't go to school at the same time. The teachers will definitely suspicious." She answered, laughing a bit.

"True." He laughed. "But, you're okay, right?"

Treacherous ─ Theo Raeken ¹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt