|| Chapter 10 ||

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"They send me away to find them a fortune
A chest filled with diamonds and gold
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease"

I was gasping for air and my vision was a bit fuzzy. I blinked multiple times trying to regain my vision. My vision adjusted slightly and I saw I was in the Med-jack hut. I felt a hand grab mine. It was Newt's. I couldn't tell if it was real or if I was still dreaming.

"Hey, hey...Calm down. It's alright..." He said calmly. He pushed me back gently so I was sitting up against the wall. "It's me, Newt...You're okay. You're in the Med-jack hut."

"N-Newt..." I gasped. I looked into his eyes, as his scanned over my face trying to make sure I was okay.

"I'm right here...You're okay now." He stroked my head with one hand, while his other rested by my side still holding my hand. With my free hand I reached out, placing my hand on his cheek.

"Are you- is this real?" I asked, looking at him. He chuckled a bit.

"Of course, your awake now...This is real. I'm real." I sighed, taking my hand away and resting it back at my side.

"Tho- Thomas...W- Where is he?" I asked.

"He's in the Homestead. Don't worry, I'll get him in a bit."

"No, it's important, I-"

"Char, I know what you're going to do. If I go get him now, you two will just be talking up a storm...You just woke up from a week coma may I remind you. You need to rest for a bit." I sighed.

I needed to tell Thomas before I forgot about it, even though I most likely wouldn't...He needed to know what else I saw and heard, the new things.

Clint came over with a bowl of soup and water. He set it on the table next to me. "Glad you're back." I smiled. "About your wounds, the one on your head was the easiest. We got it stitched up and they probably can be removed in a day or two. And then with your abdomen wounds, they weren't that deep and didn't cut far into organs from what I can tell, maybe a small incision or graze but nothing major it'll heal in time, and then on the outside we stitched as well and those will probably stay for another week or two."

I nodded saying 'thank you' and he then did a little salute before he left me and Newt alone. Newt moved his other hand from my head onto my hand so both of his hands were resting on my left hand.

"I have something to tell you..." I said looking at him. "Something I found out when I was in the other world...It was filled with memories."

"They gave you memories back?"

"Only partial memories...but They have been coming back slowly since I arrived...every night I have this dream of something that happened, what I was apart of. But only small details. But this time, it was bigger..."

"Like dreams?"

"Kind of...I know this might sound crazy but...we were together before this whole thing...like you said how you felt like we knew each other and had a strong connection... We did. We were together for nearly a year until they took you away...to here. That's why we've felt oddly connected to each other. They let us keep our feelings toward each other...It was the last thing you experienced before they took you...love was your last feeling they let you remember. You just didn't know why."

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