|| Chapter 7 ||

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❤️This Chapter is dedicated to ErikaIriss  and taniaslays4eva because they vote and their comments make me smile so much when I see them :) ❤️❤️❤️😊

"We're just trying to find some meaning
In the things that we believe in
But we got some ways to go."

Later that evening, Newt and I were in his tent talking. We sat on his cot, he sat with his legs hanging off the edge, his feet on the floor and I sat criss-cross facing his side.  It was silent between us, the soft chatter and white noise from the Gladers outside the tent was the only thing heard.

"Newt?" I asked in a hushed tone. He turned his head looking into my eyes. "What's going to happen tonight? To Ben?" He sighed before turning his body, so he could face me more.

"I don't want you to be scared, alright?" I nodded. He slowly looked down, I followed his gaze as he slowly reached his right hand forward taking hold of mine. He intertwined our fingers and rested them down on the small gap between us. When I raised my head back up, our eyes met once more. "Like I told you, Ben can't be helped anymore...I know you want to try, but there's nothin left for us to do for him. Later, the Gladers that Alby chooses, along with me, we'll gather in front of the Maze doors just as they are about to close. Minho will bring Ben into our circle and Ben will have a last pleading goodbye before we send him into the Maze with a small a sack."

"Do they ever have a chance of coming back?"

"Unless the creators somehow managed to find and save them...But as far as we know, once they are in the Maze, they are gone. Dead." The little bell outside Newt's tent chimed. I turned my head to see the shadow on the outside.

"Newt! It's time, the doors about to close. We need to hurry." It was Alby.

"Alright! I'll be out in a moment!" Newt called back. The shadow walked away and I turned back to Newt. "Are you alright? Do you want to stay here?" I shook my head.

"I'm okay, Newt...I- I want to come. I can't hide or challenge everything here. Sometimes I just have to be apart of it. I mean depending how long we're stuck here, I have to get used to things around here eventually." He nodded and let go of my hand, standing up and putting his machete quiver back on. I uncrossed my legs and scooted off the cot and we walked to the front of the tent, he opened the flap allowing me to step out first.

The other Gladers were making their way towards the doors already. Newt and I walked through the grass, I watched as some Gladers walked into the garden shed and came out with large wooden poles. As we neared the shed I waited outside for Newt, he emerged with a long pole, different from the rest. We made our way over to the group, and the Gladers aligned themselves into two lines on either side of the doors. Newt positioned himself at the end of one and I stood behind him.

"Bring him out!" Alby shouted and everyone turned their heads to see Minho emerge from the Med-Jack hut with Ben. His clothes were dirty and tattered, dry blood stains evident in some spots. The emotion was different this time, last time he was angry and violent. Now, he seemed terrified and scared. He wore some collar around his neck, and his hands were tied behind him.

Minho walked up to the stone of the courtyard bringing Ben roughly to the middle, as the two lines merged forming a closed circle. Minho roughly dropped him to the ground, standing behind him and cutting the rope that bound his hands. Thomas ran up and Newt turned around, grabbing my arm. I looked up at him and he silently gestured for me to go over to Thomas. I nodded and went over to Thomas and we stood side by side. Chuck came over as well.

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