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(Make sure to listen to the song while reading:)


"Your father's dying?" I asked him as I pulled away from him even though I clearly heard what he had just said.

"Well yeah, you see he got into a pretty bad fight with a rivaling pack and him and the Alpha of that pack fought to the death. Even though my father came out victorious, he's in critical condition." He explained as he wiped his remaining tears away.

"And you want me to heal him?Even after all the shit he put you through?" I ask curiously.

He sighed and looked down at his hands fumbling with the material of his jeans.

"Yes I do Vina, even though my father put me through hell, he's still my dad. I still care for his well being." he said then looked me dead in the eyes letting me know he was serious.

"You know the only thing that I have ever healed before was a dying dog. I've never actually tried it on people, I don't know how it will turn out, it's harder for half blooded Angels. We need practice with this sort of thing." I explain to him.

"You have to try!" He almost shouted helplessly.

The look in his eyes told me that he really loved his father. He already lost his mother. Even though she wasn't dead but she wasn't around. I can't imagine how it would feel to lose both parents and then really be alone in this world.

I reached out and softly caressed his wet cheeks.

"I'm honored that you want me to help your father, I'll do the best that I can." I assured him.

"Thank you so much." He said as he let out a breath of relief.

"Come on there's no time to waste, let's get to your father." I said as I held out my hand for him.

He gladly took my hand as we walked out of the coffee shop and headed for the hospital.


"Arnold McCall." Lucas said to the lady at the front desk when she asked who we were here for.

"Please wait in the waiting room, Arnold's going through surgery at the moment. The doctor will be out shortly to let you know what's what." She said, her eyes never looking up once from her computer as she furiously typed away on the keyboard.

Lucas let out a heavy sigh as we sat in one of the waiting room chairs, patiently waiting for the doctor to come out.

He ran his hands through his hair looking completely stressed out. I pat his shoulder to let him know that I was here for him.

He half smiled at me.

He leaned in closer to me while observing my neck.

"What are you doing?" I ask while looking at him weirdly.

"Is that a hickey?" He asked slowly while moving my hair out of the way to get a better look at my neck.

"No!" I squeaked as my hands flew to my neck to cover it. Dammit Damon!

"Who was it." He asked suspiciously seeing right through me.

I looked down feeling kinda bad because we just broke up only a few days ago and I'm already getting love bites from other guys. Or hate bites........That was so not a funny joke Davina.

"It's totally fine Davina, I'm the one who screwed up in the first place." He assured me as he brushed my hair back to its original spot on my neck.

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