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(This is from Davina's POV but I put a pic of Damon just because ;) And make sure to listen to the song while reading:)

*Warning Sexual Content* I don't think you're ready folks ;)


"Damon let me go." I struggled against him. His front was pressed so tightly into my back side it was hard to even move.

"Here's the thing Angel, there has been an ongoing rumor around this school that me and you are an item. And that doesn't sit well with me. One, you're an annoying ass bitch that I hate." He started off.

"Dido." I say cutting him off.

"Two, well you're still an annoying ass bitch and I don't see how that Lucas guy hasn't strangled you by now. Three, you're a tease. I hate teases with a passion." He lets out gruffly.

I smack my lips at him "How am I a tease? I don't even like you well enough to even be a tease towards you. In fact I don't like you at all. I hate you." I say honestly.

"Oh Angel, we both know that our hatred for each other can be directed towards something else. If you get my drift." He says as I felt his knee separate my legs, spreading them.

"Gag me. That will never ever happen." I say as I roll my eyes at him for even suggesting such a thing.

"Careful, I can make any girl drop their panties within seconds. You're no different." He says arrogantly.

"Sorry, your whoreness doesn't appeal to me." I scoff at him.

"Wanna bet?" He whispers softly in my ear.

"I don't have time for this you moron. Obviously someone took that picture of us well aware that we hated each other and did that to get back at you." I explain to him. It was his turn to scoff at me.

"Get back at me? So I'm to blame for all of this when it was in fact your fault for being a damn tease." He said through clenched teeth.

"Well duh, it has to be some random chick that you tooted and booted and then left broken-hearted in the process. And please, I only did that to get a laugh." I say as I try to turn around in his grasp. No such luck.

He turned me around, still very close. His hand trailing up my bare thigh and to the hem of my sundress. I knew today was a bad day to wear a dress.

"You know," he starts off as he places both of his arms by either side of my head. "You're really starting to irritate the shit out of me." He says as he blatantly stares down my dress.

"Blow me." I retort back sassily while rolling my eyes.

"How about that pretty little mouth of yours blow me Angel?" He says back with a smirk. "If you do it just how I like, I may even spare you your life." He says smugly.

That fucking cunt! There was no way I was going to let him talk down on me like that. So I did what any normal girl who had been disrespected would do. I slapped him. For the second time. Yes ladies and gentlemen I was probably going to die before the school day was over with.

Big mistake.

His eyes turned black. Like full on Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, black. Oh shit, why was he looking at me like he was going to rip my liver out and eat it for breakfast?

I screamed as I got out of his grasp running for the door. Shit it was locked! I could only guess who had a spare key.

I was surprised he let me get away. But that didn't last long as he slowly stalked towards me.

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