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(Picture above is Frankie)


My eyes flutter open to the morning sun. I groan since my eyes were so sensitive in the morning. I look down at myself to see that I'm still in the same clothes from last night.

How the hell did I end up on my bedroom floor?

I let out a soft moan as my head pounded as if it was a wild party going on in there. Fuck, I had a hangover. I think it's safe to say I'm never going to another rambunctious teenage party as long as I shall live.

My hand grips the end of my bed sheets for support as I pull myself off the floor.


This hangover was no joke. My phone started to ring loudly as I made my way to the bathroom.

"Make it stop." I groaned while I covered my ears in my hands.

I walk to my nightstand and answer the phone.

"Hello." I say groggily into the phone.

"Hey sweetie I was just calling to check up on you and to let you know that I won't be home until Wednesday." My mother said as I held my ear away from the phone. Jeez can she talk any louder?

"Okay." I say trying to clear my throat so it wouldn't sound like I just been strangled to death.

"Is everything alright baby?" My mother asked concerned.

"I'm perfectly fine mom." I try to say as normally as I can. Fail.

"Are you sure? Because you sound like you've just woken up with a hangover." She says suspiciously. Crap! She was onto me.

"Whaaaaaat?" I say trying to act like I didn't know what the hell she was talking about. But since this was my mother we were talking about, she saw right through my façade.

"Listen sweetheart, I was a teenager once so believe me when I say I know all the tricks of the trade. So please, be safe and make smart decisions in my absence." she says in a surprisingly normal tone into the phone.

"Alright, you got me." I say guiltily because I've been caught red handed.

"Okay honey we'll talk about this later but I have to go right now, duty calls. Bye bye sweetie love you." She says quickly before hanging up the phone. Well then, I thought as I looked down at my phone before throwing it on my bed.

I scratch my head as I made my way to the bathroom. I screamed as I looked at the Grudge herself in the mirror.

I literally looked like the corpse bride. My hair looking similar to a bird's nest. Last nights make-up was now smudged on my face making me resemble that creepy ass doll Annabelle. My clothes were wrinkled. In the words of my gay best friend Jamie, girl you look a hot mess!

I try to brush some of the tangles out of my hair so I could at least try to look decent but when my brush got caught in my hair I just gave up.

I strip out of the now uncomfortable clothes and go to take a shower.

I let the cool water run down my face and the rest of my naked body. This was definitely what I needed right now. My thoughts drift off to last night. Oh how could I forget? I found out my werewolf boyfriend was gay and probably sneaked sly glances at his football teammates in the locker room.

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