In The End

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"You know how they say that all storms end?
Well, here's a news flash - sometimes they don't."

What happened to Celeste?
What happened to Nikola and Scarlett?

who wants to find out?


Nikola was sucked into the portal, leaving Celeste behind. She knew she had to find someone.
Trapped in the world of lost souls.

It was a world of shadows, wandering. They couldn't figure out where to go. Couldn't find an exit.
There wasn't one.
But, there's an exception. Because people like Nikola get a key to that place. They get to go through the "employees only" door in the back.

It was hard to find Scarlett at first. Another lost soul. But it was quicker when her soul wasn't black.
It was a gold, glittering soul.
So she called out.

Nobody turned around. So she went up to Scarlett. And she tried to grab her shoulder. She felt the grief.
She felt all of her emotions.
Lost, hopeless, despair, defeat.

It almost made Nikola cry.
No answer.

There was pain as her shadow fell to the "floor", crumpled. Scarlett was realising how she was here, that she was dead, and who killed her. How she died.
And it was painful.
Oh god, it was searing pain for both of them. Because it took a lot from Nikola to save her.
They quickly transported out of the dimension of white. It was morning, the sun was rising, and they were on Celeste's front yard.

The sky didn't have a cloud in sight, so Celeste wasn't there.
Nikola smiled, looking over at Scarlett.

Then Scarlett's smile turned into a questioning look. She reached out, towards Nikola, and then blew away like dust.

She let out a shaky breath. Nikola sat down in the dew-covered grass of the morning. She sat cross-legged, and smiled, looking at the dirt.

"Why?" She chuckled, almost finding it funny how she tried so hard, but she just blew away, out of her grasp.
And she couldn't try again.

Aunt Jaime saw her out there, as the first tears started to fall. As Nikola finally broke.
She ran out, sprinting towards the now shaking figure that was once Nikola. She was sobbing. A lot.

"I'm sorry...what-what happened?" Aunt Jaime gingerly asked.
"I saved her, and she blew away."
She let out a loud sound, wailing.
"I should've held her tighter!"
"Shh.. Come inside."

After leading her into the house, she closed the door. Nikola was still shaking, but not as much.
"Celeste is upstairs but-"
She was cut off as Nikola jumped up, hastily making her way to the stairs. Celeste was quick to get up, from her spot on the bed. Her eyes were red and puffy, but you couldn't see her very well. She was transparent and ghostly, like every time the rain wasn't there.

"Celeste?" Nikola asked.
Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up.
She jumped up, the same way Nikola had. Forcing yourself not to run into their arms. Then Nikola couldn't take it anymore, and hugged her. Squeezing air out of her lungs, winding her. And Celeste did the same. Holding them so tight, so they never leave.

So you know they're there.
That it's real.

"Celeste, I will never leave again without you. " She laughed at the sappiness of the words, and she didn't care.
"But- what if you...what if you do?" She asked, sounding like she was trying to hold her breath, but she was really holding tears.

"What did I just say?"
"You won't."
She grabbed the back of her head, pulling her close, kissing Celeste softly on the cheek. Nikola wiped a tear with her thumb, smiling at how sweet she was.
"I love you."
Celeste let out a shaky breath, praying her voice didn't crack or waver.
"I love you too." She murmured.

Nikola's smile turned into a surprised expression as she broke away. She had always told her she loved her.
But she never got anything back.
Nikola was okay with that.

"Nikki..." Celeste called, even though she was right in front of her.
"I'm right here."
Celeste almost knocked her over when she charged a whole of 2 inches into her arms. Again.
"Good. Stay there."

They stood there until the sun went down. Which was a few minutes at most.

"I love you."
"You told me, Celeste."
"I love you, I love you, I LOVE you."
"I know."
"I had to repay you for all the times I didn't respond."
"I love you."
Nikola chuckled.

"Too cute." She used the inch of extra height and kissed Celeste's forehead. Nikola brushed her hair to the side, leaving Celeste blushing.
"I read your journal while you were gone."
Nikola smacked her head.
"Bad. That was my private journal."

Nikola was tired. Celeste lied and said she was too. They went to lay in bed, and after a short time, Nikola was breathing softer. Asleep.
Celeste pulled out Nikola's 'private journal' from under her own pillow, smirking slightly.

Here I am, while you fell asleep a few minutes ago. I'm writing in your journal, because all these thoughts about you are too cute and they're keeping me awake.

I read the page all about me, and that is what I'm thinking about right now.
I'm repaying you. That almost made me cry.

Anyway, here's my try at poetry,
You're so beautiful. You're sleeping peacefully right next to me, and all I can think about is how much I missed you. You were gone for 2 months. My hair got longer, because all I did was lay in bed. There was nothing that motivated me.
Your cheeks are so full, but pinched and they are so perfect. Your eyes are the sky, right before the sun finally slips below the horizon and the moon takes its place.

Your hair is superior to mine, long but tamed. A dark blonde, almost brown. It's so pretty. You're pretty.
You say you want to protect me, and that I will never get hurt again, and that warms me so nice.
You're like a cup of cocoa on a winter day.
It's unfair, how amazing you are.

And your personality is even better. You're always smiling, always peaceful. You never get angry, even though sometimes it worries me, but you make my pessimistic gray sky a little more blue.
You add color.

And that means the world.


Now it's really over. I don't think it's amazing, or it's a great ending. But I just wanted to write a little bit more. I just had an urge to revisit it. So I wrote 1,100 words, and here you go.
~the same weirdo who started this book in 2015

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