Chapter 5 - Nothing But A Memory

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Her mysterious girlfriend was no where to be found the next day as well. This continued throughout the afternoon, and put an extreme damper on Nikolas mood.

She pondered filing a missing persons report.

When she asked Aunt Jaime if that was a good idea, she laughed.

"She'll turn up soon, Nikola. Promise."

She absentmindedly checked her phone for texts for the next few hours, laying on their bed and breathing in the fading scent of caramel.
After hours of the same routine, she ended up falling asleep, bored by the repeated tasks.

• • • •

Kirsten seemed to be getting better, waking up around the same time as Nikola had the next day. She started to smile more, her complexion warming.

Kirsten had been questioned by Aunt Jaime, steadily and consolingly. Worry was laced in her voice, but didn't stay for long when Kirsten started to drink hot tea and answer her questions enthusiastically, no matter how sad of a topic they were on.

Late the night, a small amount of rain started to fall. A light shower.
She breathed back to life, appearing in the bed against her. She squealed.

"I'm here, Nikki! I'm here, look at me!" She shook Nikola awake.

To no avail.

She sighed, laying back down in her arms and wishing she would wake up.

"I love you." She whispered, kissing Nikola's lips and smiling before she finally dozed back to sleep.

• • • •

When they woke up, Nikola was greeted with a desolate room. No where to be found, once again.
She sighed.

The room was cold. She wrapped her arms around herself.


She jumped, looking around for the only person she knew that could say her name the way she loved.

No one was there, and the room got bitter, frozen and full of night sky.

The cold air wrapped itself around Nikola's hand, and she hastily ripped it away.
It's like she was being haunted.

She used the alone time to write in her journal, Nikola wondering exactly where she was when she was sitting right next to her.
This would've been found funny, but the situation was tinted with worry and uncertainty. Nikola was full of uncomfortable feelings and concern, and this wasn't humorous.

The next storm wouldn't be for another week. Unbeknownst to Nikola, she sulked at her desk and let words dance in her head, finding the right places themselves.
In a few minutes, they had figured out where to go, and she had scribbled down the poem on a small piece of paper.
She put it in her pocket.

Nikola sat on the bed, reading a book until she abruptly slammed the cover into the pages.

She stared into the nothingness of the room. The words no longer soothed her. Her eyes became unfocused as she looked at nothing in particular.

Her shoulders began to shake with soft cries, tears filling her eyes. They were hidden under her own hands. Her face reddened, nose running.

This broke her girlfriend, looking at Nikola helplessly.

'I'm sorry.'

She wished the clouds above her would rip open and send an unheard of amount of rain hurling towards the surface of the earth. Just so she could hold Nikola right now. To tell her everything would be okay. To whisper that she was here now, and would let nothing hurt her.

That didn't come true.

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