Chapter 8 - Created Boiling Blood

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Leo decided to spend the night on the couch.

His gloom wouldn't last long in the company of Nikola.
She was still his best friend, and she had a right to be happy.

Or so he told himself.

They were sitting on the couch late that night, the moon high in the sky. The stars were covered by clouds.

Their night was spent making jokes and giggling in the dark living room. They were supposed to be quiet.

They were for about 2 minutes when the lights went off.

"I have to go to sleep sometime, Leo."
"I mean you don't have to-"
"Fine, night night."

She smiled, giving him a half-hug and hopping off the couch to walk upstairs.
She disappeared from his sight, into the dark night.

He was captured by sleep.

• • • •

Leo woke up to Aunt Jaime and Nikola leaning against the counters. Nikola had made coffee that they were both enjoying. They were having a quiet conversation. Nikola says something that makes Aunt Jaime smile stupidly and hit her shoulder with her free arm.

The soft words stopped as Leo walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a cup. He smiled warmly at the steam rising from the pink mug and slowly poured in creamer.


He smiled at the couple softly as he drank. They smiled and asked him what he was going to do today.

"I don't know," he sighed, "maybe I'll go to the park?"
Nikola's eyes lit up. "Our park?"
Leo chuckled and nodded. She gasped comically.

"I'll go!"

Leo grinned widely and laughed.

"Yay! Besties hanging out!"

Leo finished his coffee and placed the mug in the sink. He slid over to the coat rack by the front door, slipping into his coat and shoes, Nikola following his lead. They opened the door and went out into the cold morning.

The park was pretty empty, being that it was earlier in the morning. The only company they had was the birds and the bitter air that was nipping them through their clothes. It was supposed to snow later in the day, the crisp smell already hanging in the air. Leo smiled. Nikola returned his grin.

They reached the park, and sat on their respective swings.
Leo was left, Nikola was right.
They laughed. Nikola beamed and told him she couldn't believe he still remembered.

"Of course I would remember, Nikola," he told her, "these are our swings! Always!"

She laughed as he smiled maniacally at her. She pulled her sweater over her hands and grabbed the chains holding the swing, pushing herself forward.

"I miss this." Nikola breathed, looking at the mulch below her and sighing happily.

"Yeah... yeah."

"Lots of memories." Nikola smiled sadly, eyes looking into the distance. He knew she was zoning out. Thinking of their memories. 


"Yes?" She quickly snaps out of it, locking eyes with Leo.


"So I was reading this book, right?" Nikola starts, face agitated. She was ready to talk his ear off.
Leo was used to this.

Her next sentence starts with 'oh my god', and Leo listens intently.

"And the main character? He just moves to the shore to avoid all his problems. I mean, who does that?"

"I totally get where you're coming from, but have you seen the sea?"
"Fair point."

"Would you move to the shore to escape?" Nikola asks, looking over at Leo questioningly.
"I would move right now."
"Right now?"
"Yes! Wouldn't you take a house by the shore right now?"

"I guess I would."

They both smiled.
The conversation slowly moved onto pointless discussion and deeper subjects as the morning continued.

After a while, Nikola stood up and stretched, looking back at Leo's slouching figure.

"Is it time to go?" Leo asks forlornly, looking up at Nikola.

"You want to stay?"
"No, I'm all talked out."
"Exactly, c'mon."

Leo stands and follows Nikola back to the house. They step in and shiver.

Aunt Jaime hears the door and steps over to the pair.

"Hello! How was your outing?"
"Particularly enjoyable, ma'am!"
Aunt Jaime smiled.

"Don't call me ma'am, you doof."
They both cackled and started making something to eat, their stomaches growling. Nikola bit her lip as they sang to sweet music. Leo was shimmying his shoulders as he made a weird face at Nikola. She chuckled at him, turning away to stir the soup. He continued to circle around her, dancing wildly.

"Leo-" she turned to him, instantly locking onto the ridiculous face he had on and being unable to contain her wild laughter. "You are deranged, Leo. Completely unstable."

"Of course I am! And you, my dear Nikki, are too!"

"It takes one to know one."

Nikola smirked. "Of course." She chuckled softly.

Soon, the food was ready. The family sat at the dinner table and started to eat just as the first snowflakes started to fall from the clouds. The world had turned dark a few hours ago. Winter greeted them modestly.

They all had one last chuckle before retiring to their havens of rest.
Nikola plopped herself down on the bed. Instantly, a set of warm arms came out from under the heavy covers and wrapped around her. She gleamed, enjoying the sweet warmth of the arms she loved to be in the most.

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