"If you touch her you'll make it worse, let me take her home." My dad pleaded.

"She won't make it home, stretching the connecting bonds will kill her. Bring her to the pack house I'm going to call the pack doctor to meet us there." Luca said and my dad went to pick me up when I growled at him. Wait! Why am I growling.

"Do not touch me!" I gritted out and my dad gasped.

"Her eyes!" he yelled out and Luca turned around and hissed something under his breath.

"I have to touch her, I'll carry her back just follow us." Luca said defeat and sadness marring his perfect features. I suddenly felt him scoop my up in his arms and it was bliss. The tingles and sparks making the pain seem like being lightly tickled instead of being stabbed to death.

Before I knew it I was being placed on a hospital bed and a doctor with dark rimmed glasses appeared.

"What can I do Alpha?" The doctor asked.

"I need to know if you can help her. She's human, no wolf yet she just started connecting to the pack bonds and she's in pain." Luca explained quickly.

"I've never seen a human connect to a pack. Are you sure she doesn't have a wolf?"

"I can't sense one and she's almost 18. She would have shifted by now or at least connected to her wolf and she hasn't." Luca replied looking at me worriedly.

"If she's connecting to the pack bonds then she must have some kind of wolf, I need you to use your Alpha powers and try and connect to her. Her wolf hasn't been able to surface but now that she's near the pack or her mate she's trying to claw herself out and she's hurting her human." The doctor explained and Luca winced. This wasn't going to end well for anyone, especially if she had a wolf. She would never forgive him when she discovered that he was her mate and he had marked and mated another she wolf....

"Alpha I need you to do this now; her human is dying from the pain." The doctor said and then looked at my dad who look like he was about to throw up.

That's when suddenly I felt the intrusion into my head which was painful at first and then the pain was gone.

"Little wolf are you there?" I heard Luca's voice call out into my head.

"Hello mate." The voice hissed angrily which made me gasp out loud, not only did I have a wolf but she was very angry at Luca and she had called him mate.... No...please no...

"I know you are angry with me but you are hurting your human, I need you to surface and make the pack connections so she can rest and be pain free, can you do that little wolf?" Luca pleaded his pain evident in his voice.

"I will do it for Samantha but when she wakes up I don't want you hear, do you hear me Alpha." She growled.

"Yes...I'm sorry little wolf." He said and then his presence in my head was gone and I felt myself slipping out of consciousness.


My heart ached for my mate and all I could do is sit there and watch her. Thankfully her wolf had taken over to form the bonds and Sam was unconscious and resting. I knew I messed up and she was going to hate me. It had been such a huge mistake marking and mating Jen, I had been young and foolish and thought I could never love anyone more than her not even my mate. How wrong I had been, the moment I had sensed her enter my territory I had not even been able to go near Jen she made my skin crawl.

What had I done?

"What are you planning to do Alpha?" William asked his voice rough but pained. I couldn't even imagine what he was feeling after watching his daughter being in so much physical pain and now finding out she had a wolf after all. Now she would know I was her mate and that I betrayed her, that I never searched for her and I didn't wait for her.

"I don't know. I know I should let her reject me and accept it but I can't give her up, I won't let her go." Damn I sounded pathetic.

"You are only going to hurt her. You already have a mate, you've been mated for 2 years. She is your Luna, how would you explain to the pack that you mated a she wolf that is not your true mate?" Her father asked and I understood his point of view but losing Sam was not an option.

"I'll break my bond; my pack will have to understand. Hell most of them hate Jen as Luna anyway." I answered, it was my only option. I needed my true mate by my side, I needed her, I craved her.

"It's not that easy Alpha, and she may never forgive you."

"I know that but I won't give up on her. She's my mate and I love her already."

"I think I should take her home before she wakes up. It will make this easier for her, she's going to be weak for awhile especially since her wolf just surfaced. I still understand how I wasn't able to sense that she had a wolf and why it took this long to surface." Her father said his confusion evident.

"I have the doctor running some blood tests and doing some research. There had to be an explanation but this, I still can't sense her wolf but she's there I spoke to her. Her wolf is strong, so strong that she has weakened Sam so if I let you take her home I need you to make sure she rests. Her wolf will protect her but I know your daughter is stubborn so she will resist." I replied and I looked down at my beautiful mate wishing just for a moment she would open those beautiful violet eyes . I needed her to be ok and I needed her not to hate me. Hopefully the next time I saw her my bond to Jen would be broken.

"You can take her home, just make sure I get daily updates on her condition. Please remind her that I am sorry and I will fix this." I pleaded but I could tell William was to angry to hear my plea. I hurt his daughter, his little girl and his forgiveness was going to take a lot of hard work.

I leaned down and kissed my mate on her forehead. "I love you little wolf." I whispered and I heard a small mental growl from her wolf who was very angry with me despite me being her mate.

"See you soon." I said and exited to pack infirmary.

I'm Sorry AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now