On Air

95 10 10

The next morning

The peaceful silence, Ok just kidding there wasn't any peaceful silence onthe Jelsa Republic house.

The members of the house were flying up and down the stairs, in and out of every room.

Some of the members like Ami, Randee, Drake were going back home while the Americans like Leana, Journey were staying at the Jelsa Republic for the interviews, deals and meetings.

Everyone was very busy with the preparations for the launching and not to forget the big five live show was only two months away

Mel was busy with the second book of the BIG FIVE ADVENTURES series and not to mention there was gonna be the election for the new head of the JelsaRepublic head office in Hungary.

"Umm guys where is Jelsa and Merricup" Mira asked sorting the passports.

"Dont know, wasn't it Flo's job to keep a eye on them" Lars anwsered dragging his suitcase inthe living room.

"Dont know, wasn't it Flo's job to keep a eye on them" Lars anwsered dragging his suitcase inthe living room

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"Where is Flo by the way?" Mira looking up from her papers.

"I am very very... extremely sorry for my friend's action. Yes I assure you that this will never happen again. Yes .......we will pay for... your microphone" Miko finnished her call.


"It wasn't me!!" Flo shouted from the stairs.

"Yeah we believe that" Ami said crossing her arms.

"Ok guys I am going. We will meet inthe voting session ok?" Ami said giving them last hug and dragging her suitcase outside.

"Ps keep a eye on Flo" she added.

"So the return seats are booked, spread the word. Hire the best photographers and there is gonna be a meeting between Disney and DreamWorks you have to attend it alongside with Eli, Dezzy and Leana and also get the area booked for the voting session in Hungary" Flo spoke to Journey on her ear peice while descending the stairs.

"Flo where is Merricup and Jelsa?" Miko asked pulling out Flo's ear piece.

"Hey!! what? Oh they are gone to the cafe. I decided its good if they learn to co operate with each other and less work on my hands" Flo said putting her ear peice back on and started talking about the food arrangement to their manager in Dubai.

Miko shook her head. "Who was the one who put Flo incharge" she demanded.

"Not me" Lars said putting his hands up in defense.

"Well she offered to so I said yes" Mira defended herself.

"We're gonna be late for our flight." Lars informed.

"Flo call the driver" Mira suggested.

Flo nodded and called her driver.

"Mike where are you?"
"What you are quitting!! but why!?" She shouted in her ear peice.

Jelsa Republic ( Mission JM)Where stories live. Discover now