'So tell me, Hazza...' Louis began and I gave him a confused look.


'Uh yeah...it just sort of slipped.' He replied shyly but I reassured him.

'No it's fine, I like it.' He smiled again before continuing.

'Anyways please tell me what amazing things you have to do to own a place like this?' He questioned.

'Well being a famous model helps but having famous parents help to. My parents own the studios along with a dozen other businesses.' I explained.

'Wow, my mum is a nurse and my dad does fuck all.' He said with  slight disappointment. 'I have to look after my sisters most of the time but I don't mind. I love them all and would do anything for them.'

'I would love to have a brother or sister but I'm an only child so maybe I should live with you instead.' I replied, bringing back up how he wanted us to adopt him into the family. He frowned with fear in his eyes.

'Trust me you wouldn't want my life.' He said sternly. A silence spread for a few moments before Louis returned to questioning my life. 'So who is Maria?'

'You're gonna laugh!' I groaned, hiding my face in a pillow.

'I promise I won't, now tell me.' He promised, poking me.

'She is our maid but she is also my...nanny.' I said quietly, hoping he hadn't heard. Obviously, he did.

'Nanny? Really?' He laughed loudly and I threw my pillow at him.

'It's not funny.' I argued.

'Oh but Hazza, it is. You're 18 and need a nanny.'

'I don't need a nanny, it's just my parents are overly protective and because they are hardly ever here, they decided I needed someone to look after me.' I corrected with a slight lie.

I wasn't like I needed someone to look after me but I was grateful for Maria being there when I come home after a shit day.

'Okay. Okay, I'll stop laughing.' He said, trying to put a straight face on even though I could see his mouth still twitching into a smile. I shook my head before picking up some sweets and eating them.

'Right, another question..sorry about this, it's not often I make friends.' He admitted.

Liar, you seem to make friends easily with those jerks at school.

'A famous, good looking model like you...' He began and the only thought that entered my brain was, he thinks I'm good looking? Maybe I have a chance with him...

'You must have a girlfriend?' Are the words I heard that snapped me back to reality.

'Girlfriends?' I stuttered.

This was the one question I didn't want to be asked. He was homophobic so I didn't want to answer, but I couldn't keep building up more lies. Besides, both Marcel and Harry were openly gay, so he would find out soon enough even if I didn't tell him.

Everyone at work was always trying to set me up on dates anyway.

'Yeah, so come on spill.' He ushered for an answer. I was hesitant but then decided on telling the truth.

He wouldn't hurt me in my own home, would he?

'I-I don't have a girlfriend.' I muttered.

'What? Are you serious, come on there must be a girl.' 

'There isn't, there never will be because...I'm gay.' I replied sheepishly, waiting for the insults to come.

'Really? Oh don't be scared Hazza, I would never judge you.' He smiled. Are you serious? Can you come say that to Marcel's face please because I'm not quite believing it.

Nerd With a Secret - Larry Stylinson Au-Where stories live. Discover now