"Yuko, no. Don't be like this," she cried. "I love you, you know I do!"

"So what if you do?" he whispered harshly. "All you do is confuse me and lead me on and hurt me. For the last five years, Siobhan! Don't you think it's time for me to have a break?"

"Don't be like this," she said. "I'm just jealous, okay? Jealous."

"At least now you know how I've felt every single time I see you with someone else," he hissed. I gasped, my eyes watering.

So he's just using me to get back at her, after all.

I didn't realise until too late that the both of them had heard my gasp, and Yuko and Siobhan appeared at the foot of the stairs. Both of them still looked angry and frustrated. Siobhan's eyes widened when she saw me, and for a moment I thought I saw her eyes flash with pity. She looked away before I could even make sure if I saw that emotion clearly.

"Marissa...," Yuko said, eyes wide. I shook my head frantically, and his mouth closed shut.

"Sorry for interrupting you both," I croaked out, my voice strained and weak. I could only force a half-hearted, apologetic smile before I turned on my heel and ran.

Furiously rubbing the tears away from my eyes, I didn't see the figure in front of me until it was too late. I ran into the hard human wall, but luckily hands caught me before I could fall on my behind and embarrass myself further.

"Logan!" I squeaked, jumping away from him. "Sorry!"

"It's alright, Marissa," he replied distractedly as he looked over my shoulder. His eyes clouded over with worry. "Have you seen Yuko anywhere?"

He was so distracted he didn't realise that I was crying, which I was thankful for. Calming myself down, I nodded.

"He's upstairs, I think," I answered.

"Ris!" I heard Yuko's familiar voice call out as he rounded the bend and appeared in the hallway. He looked frantic and desperate, and he opened his mouth to say something.

"Ris, please list-"

"Yuko," Logan interrupted hurriedly, completely ignoring the tension between the both of us. "Yuko, we need to go to the hospital."

Yuko's eyes shot up to look at Logan, and a dark shadow passed him. His facial expression became grim, and he silently conversed with his friend. There seemed to have been a mutual understanding between the both of them, that something important has happened and there was no time for delay.

"We have to go, now."


I felt completely empty when I stared at the hospital bed Robin was lying on. His chest rose and fell to the slow, steady beat of the heart monitor.

It was so strange to see someone that always acted so strong and powerful look absolutely pathetic.

"The stubborn mule went out to the garden and fainted before he could even say 'Hi'," Asher muttered, shaking his head grimly. Frustration flashed in his eyes, as well as something that struck a chord in me. Desperation.

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