Chapter 39

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Dean pov
Brock finally left. He beat the shit out of me. I can bearly walk. WHERE IS ARIANA!!!

I crawled out of the room to the living room. Ariana's laid out on the floor with blood coming out of her head and face. "ARIANA!!" I yelled trying to walk up to here. I helled my stomach walking to her. I pulled her on my lap. 

I grabbed the phone and called Roman. "Hell--" "Get your ass down here" "What happened" "The Authority came and attacked us. Ariana is hurt. Get your ass down here" "I'm on my way" i hunged up.

"Stay with me baby" i wispered to her. In gonna fucking kill them. I swear. They touched my fiance, my sons mother. one of the people who means a lot to ne. You bet your ass I'm gonna kill them. Just wait and see. The torture there gonna get.

Someone knocked at the door. I got up and stumbled to the door. I groaned holding my stomach.  I opened the door. "You ok,man" Roman asked coming in. I shut the door. He helped me sit down. "What the hell" he said when he saw Ariana.

"Did you call the ambulance" "No. Just bring me her and go get some stuff to wipe off the blood" "Dean she can be really hurt--" "I don't care. She's been to the hospital to many times. Just do it,please" he sighed and picked her up. He passed her to me. Just wait....

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