Chapter 34

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4 months later
Ariana pov
I walked into the locker room. I have alot of stuff to do. I have to get my outfit, theme songs, etc.

That's right, I'm a WWE diva again. Yasss!!! Dean doesn't know. And Daniel Agreed to watch Jacob while I'm on the road. He trained me too. He's so sweet. I sat my stuff down and walked back out. I came real early so know one is really here. I have to talk to Stephanie and get everything done before anyone gets here.

I'm backstage in my outfit

--------I'm backstage in my outfit

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Raw have already started. I don't have a match. I'm just making my return. I don't know when but.... Who cares. I'm in my locker room watching RAW. Dean Roman & the Authority are having a segment with the Authority.

"Dean you'll win the championship the day Ariana leaves you for Me. I'll treat Jacob real real nice" Seth said. I could see Dean getting mad and angrier. "If you ever go near them I'll fucking kill you" dean growled, exclaimed. "Dean they'll love me more then they love you" Seth said as the crowd ooh'ed. Roman was trying to hold dean back. In tired of this. I got up and walked out of the locker room to the curtains. My theme song confident started playing.

Dean pov
I swear to god I'm going to kill him. Roman is holding me back. "Dean are you getting mad. I'm sure if Ariana was here she'll agree" he said and started laughing. "Calm down he's not worth it" Roman wispered to me.  Stephanie and Triple H said if I attack Seth this week I'll be fired. That little Bitch is lucky. A theme song blared through the Arena. Everyone's attention turned twords the ramp. I swear if it's someone I don't like. I'm in the mood to kick someone ass.

The crowd cheered once she came out.....WAIT WHAT THE HELL!!!


she walked down to the ring smiling. She rolled in and stood in a corner. They handed her a microphone as the crowd started chanting her name. She winked at me and turned to the Authority. The crowd finally got quiet.

"Seth it'll be a cold day in hell when I leave dean for you" she said making the crowd cheer again. I chuckled. "And if you ever bring my son into this again I'll make your life a living hell" she growled at him making me smirk. "Ariana, don't listen to Seth-" "Shut the hell up Stephanie" Ariana cut off Stephanie. "You need to watch your tone, we're your boss" Triple H exclaimed.

"And I don't give a damn. Because if I were to leave....Again. I can take every superstar and diva back there with me. . . . Try me" she said stepping in triple H face. Gosh I love this girl.

"That's what I thought" she dropped the microphone and rolled out the ring.

Ariana pov
I walked backstage to catering. No one is here. Eh. More food for me. A pair of hands went around my waist picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed as he finally put me down. I turned around and smiled at dean. "I didn't know you were coming back" he said. "It was a surprise" "I'm glad your back. Now I don't have to jerk off to your pictures every night" "DEAN" I exclaimed smacking his chest. He chuckled.  "I don't have a match tonight let's go"

I'm in my hotel room watching family guy, which is weird since I should be with dean. Someone knocked at the door. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it. Someone smashed there lips onto mine. I tried to push him off but he pulled me into the room and closed the door. He pulled back. I sighed in relief when I saw it was Dean. "I thought you were somebody else" I said. "Like who" "Anyone, you scared me" "I'm sorry" he said wrapping his hand around my waist. He pulled me into him. "It's been to long" he said and put his head in my neck leaving kisses. I moaned. "Yeah. To long" he pushed me twords the wall. He looked up at me. "I love you" I said rubbing my hand up and down his chest. He put both of his hand on the side of the wall ,on opposite sides of me. "I can show you better then I can tell you" he said lowering his face to me. I pulled him into a hot kiss.  He pulled my shirt off. I undid his belt and unzipped his pants. He yanked my shorts down. I gasped as he started to rub me through my underwear.

My phone started ringing. "Who is calling" dean asked going to my neck. "I don't know probably Brie" "She can wait" he said pulling down my underwear. I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He pulled his pants down and pushed into me. "Oh my gosh" I mumbled. He started to move in and out of me. I moaned. He grabbed my chin making me look at him. That increase in the pleasure. "Faster" I said. His pase quickened. "Shit" he groaned. "Oh" I gasped grabbing his shoulders. He let my chin go. Someone knocked at the door. He groaned. "Who is it" I asked as dean stopped moving. "Roman and Brie" they said. Dean started moving in and out of me slowly. I gasped. "Can---Can you come ba--back later" I stuttered out. "Are you ok in there" Brie asked. Dean went to my neck sucking. "Yes!" I accidentally screamed. "Ok,ok see you later" they said .

"You did that on purpose" I wispered. He pulled back and looked at me. He slammed into me. I screamed out in pleasure. He's such a asshole sometimes

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