Chapter Two

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When I wake up, it's still kind of dark. But there's enough light to be able to see Regina. I squint my eyes and try to sit up, only to be hit by a wave of nausea. I groan and lean back on whatever I'm propped up against.

"Oh god, thank fuck your awake! Are you okay? Did they hurt you? How are you feeling?" Regina bombards me with question after question.

"Damnit Regina, give me a goddamn second." I groan out. I can barely speak without feeling like I'm gonna hurl.

"Look, I don't remember much. So you need to tell me what you can remember." Regina grips my shoulders, trying to make me focus.

"What do you...remember?" I had to pause in order to keep my stomach's contents where they belong.

"I remember going to the club, drinking, and you taking me to the car. You were talking to someone, told me to get in the car, and I think you got hurt. They put a bag over my head.." Regina squeezes my shoulders, trying to formulate her thoughts.

"Everything is kind of fuzzy. I remember some guys approaching us, and they knew our names. When I tried getting in the car, one of them threw me to the ground. Pretty sure I fucked my ankle over when I landed, since it hurts like a bitch. I got chloroformed, and I think I remember seeing you get bagged." I mumble, the urge to hurl coming in waves.

"I'm so sorry Angel." Regina pulls me into a hug. I don't have the heart to tell her that I might empty my stomach on her. She pulls away when a door opens, putting her arm in front of me.

"Oh good, your both awake. Don't throw up." He looks dead at me with his last statement before slamming the door shut.

"What-" Regina isn't able to finish her sentence before he opens the door back up, throwing two bags of clothes at us.

"Think we're supposed to put those on?" I ask her.

"I guess?" Regina grabs the bags, pulling them over.

"Are those my jeans? And my plaid shirt?" I pull my clothes out of one of the bags.

"Angel, they went through our apartment." Regina pulls out one of her favorite shoes, mint converse.

"You think?" I deadpan her.

"I know you don't feel good, but that sarcasm is uncalled for. I have a headache too you know." Regina shoots me a look. I nod my head in agreement, not wanting to start anything, and get dressed.

"Whoever took us, knows us well." I look over at Regina and she pulls on her shoes.

"What if they were stalking us?" Regina helps me tie my right shoelace, since my ankle hurts like hell. It isn't swollen, which means I should be fine in a few hours with the help of ice and rest. Neither of which I am gonna get.

"Or they already knew us..." I breathe out, our situation is gonna give me a fucking panic attack if I don't calm down. We sit in silence for what seems like forever before the door opens back up. Revealing the last person I thought I'd be seeing wherever we are.

"Leo!" Regina jumps up and runs into his arms.

"Hey sweetheart." Leo hugs her, pulling away slightly only to kiss her.

"If your here, does that mean I can get some ice?" I stand up, putting all my weight on the box I was sitting against.

"Heard you put up a fight." Leo smirks.

"What's going on Leo? Why are we here? And can she get an ice bag?" Regina pulls his attention back to her.

"I had to kidnap you for your own safety." He holds her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"Yeah, I felt real safe." I mumble. Regina pulls away from Leo to help me walk over to the door.

"Wait, your actually hurt?" Leo starts laughing, but Regina's glare cuts him off short. We walk past him into what looks like a first class flight.

"Your on a private jet, in case you were wondering." Leo says in a snobbish way.

"And why weren't we out here instead of in, what, a cargo space?" I question him as Regina sets me down in a seat.

"Yeah, what was up with that?" Regina sits down across from me.

"Needed to wait for the all clear to bring you two out." Leo sighs out.

"From who?" Regina continues questioning him.

"My boss, who else?" Leo pulls her into his arms.

"And who is that?" I ask him. All this seems too sketchy for me.

"You'll be meeting him soon." He dismisses my comment.

"Leo, the ice bag." Regina looks around.

"Right, hey Ace? Can I get a bag of ice?" Leo shouts, looking towards the front of the plane.

"And a bucket?" I mumble out the question.

"Uh, and a bucket..." Leo takes a step away from me.

"Yeah, I'm on it." A guy, I'm assuming is Ace, replies.

"Was he one of the guys that kidnapped us?" Regina whispers to Leo.

"Yeah, why? Did he hurt you?" Leo goes from relaxed to alert within seconds.

"I didn't get hurt." Regina shoots him a second glare.

"Good, that's-" Regina cuts him off before he can finish.

"How is that good? My best friend is injured and got drugged!" She shouts at him.

"She was gonna get us caught and I don't have a death wish." Ace comes over to me, handing me a bucket that has a bag of ice wrapped in a cloth in it.

"Your the one who drugged me." I state, balancing the ice bag on my ankle.

"You gonna hold that against me?" He raises an eyebrow at me questioningly.

"You gonna drug me again?" I question him right back.

"Depends." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I feel so reassured." I grumble, holding the bucket in my lap.

"Let's let Angel, uh, rest, by herself. You come with me." Leo leads Regina over to another seat where I can't see them.

"But I need to-" Regina stops mid sentence when I cut her off.

"I'm okay." I call out.

"Oh alright..." Regina says back, even though she sounds unsure about it. I lean my head back and close my eyes, trying to clear my mind. But I'm still a little disoriented and this situation is giving me anxiety. Nevertheless, I start to drift off. Knowing it's going a restless sleep.

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