Mamoru, who's sitting a chair down from me, almost spits out his wine due to my remark. Baba puts a hand over his mouth to hide his shock while Eisuke snickers in amusement, and Soryu appears unfazed like always. "Wait, what?" Ota says, stunned and flustered. "What time did you get there?"

"An hour after you texted me,"

"I thought you were going to show up later than that."

"Worried?" I hide my smirk by drinking more coffee from my cup.

"No, you just surprised me." He laughs it off. "Like always." He adds, smirking. I quirk an eyebrow and watch as Amaya enters the lounge. He glances at her. "Show up later today. Text me before you show up. Gotta' go," Ota says quickly and leaves as soon as he notices Amaya, who keeps her head low.

My eyes shift over to the younger girl, narrowing my eyes at her. My eyes settle on her neck as Eisuke scowls at her for waking up late. My eyes widen a bit as I notice something like bruises on the pale skin of her neck. I glance at Mamo and he meets my gaze, the same amusement in his eye like in mine. She scurries over to the kitchen to make everyone coffee.

I beckon her over before she leaves to give Eisuke his coffee. "Are you okay?" I ask her gently, whispering, holding back my laughter.

She looks at me confused. "Yeah, why?"

"You might want to cover them up more," I say, my eyes signaling to her neck. "You can still tell what they are." Her eyes widen and cheeks tint a light pink. She nods her head and quickly sets everyone's coffee down. She scurries out the lounge after bowing an excuse. I burst into small laughter along with Mamo, making the others turn their heads. "Did you see her face?" I gasp out.

"I thought you was bein' serious for once," He chuckles.

"No," I laugh, shaking my head.

"You don't think..." He begins to say. I glance at him as his eyebrow raise, drinking down his wine.

I think about it. Ota and Amaya... they're sleeping together? My eyes widen. "No..." I cover my mouth but end up laughing. "No wonder!"

"Why do ya think Ota left so quick?" He laughs.

I laugh. "It makes sense. Oh my god," Why else would she have hickies on her neck? Why else would Ota leave as soon as Amaya entered? Why else would Ota get flustered when I said that I got there early?

"What are you two laughing about?" Baba says. "I wanna laugh too!"

"You had to be there." I wave him off, even though he was here. "You had to be in the moment." I correct myself with a satisfied nod.

Soryu attracts everyone's attention when he gets up and heads toward the elevators. "Where are you going?" Eisuke asks but gets no response.

Mamo motions with his eyes. "What's up with yo scary boyfriend?"

I roll my eyes at him. "Reina," Baba calls. "Are you and Soryu not talking?"

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Why'd you ask?" I test.

"Well, none of you have mentioned anything. You're always together and he just left alone."

"I think you just got your answer." I tip my cup of coffee at him.


"Damn, quit being inquisitorial." I get up to leave my dishes in the kitchen. I come back and find Mei Ling coming in the lounge. Not going to lie, I sort of forgot about her.

"Reina," She seems surprised to see me. "Aren't you supposed to be with Soryu?"

I roll my eyes. "They're fighting right now." Baba answers for me. I shoot him a glare.

Black Ice (Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Soryu Oh fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now