8. Rolling In The Deep

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"Kassidy stop it let me handle this" I said trying to calm her down. She wasn't giving up her fight to really fight Monty though. "Kenyamo I just wanna talk to you 15 minutes is all I need please" Monty said stepping into the house. I looked at him and into his eyes I just couldn't say no.

I might get something from it but it doesn't hurt to try again. The first time it wasn't easy to do but I went in trying to be something I'm not. I think maybe if he sees how much it's killing me then maybe something can be resolved. "Fine go wait in your car I'll go take a shower and change" I said and he smiled and went to his car.

I went upstairs with Kassidy following behind me. She didn't need to say a word I heard the anger in her footsteps. She wasn't pleased with my decision but I'm making it and I feel like I need this. I don't need him I just want an explanation at this point.

I started running my shower as Kassidy sat down on my bed. "Ken I don't know how many times you gone keep saying yes to him" she said propping herself against the headboard. I took off my shirt and basketball shorts. "Kassidy look I'm just trying to close that chapter in my life it needs to be over now because I need to move on and I can't if I'm being haunted by him every damn day of my life" I said going into my bathroom.

I closed the door and locked it. I don't like dealing with this everyday of my life. I'm not excited about hearing his dumb ass excuses to why he's done the shit he's done. However, I do know that I need to close him out. I doubt he'll ever get his shit together and I won't be apart of his life anymore.

Monty POV...

I sat here waiting for him to come out of the house so I can properly explain to him what's going on. It's not the way he thinks it is. "Hello" I said answering my cell phone. It was Variah calling me about some dumb shit.

I won't front and act like I don't care about her but the person I'm in love with is pushing me away. He's not letting me back in despite the mistakes I made. I'm not perfect but I'm worth it for Kenyamo. I've never had a relationship as real as ours. I mean yes I had him doing some disrespectful shit but it was for good reason.

I was in my thoughts about what I'm fighting for when Kenyamo walked out. He stood at the front door and walked a little bit out. I waved him over to my car and he shook his head. I rolled down my window and told him to get in. "Nope I'm not getting in there if you wanna talk you get out and talk to me" he said folding his arms.

He can be so difficult at times to be honest. It's a turn on because it makes me chase him and need him even more. I got out the car and we stood in the heat and I wasn't into it. "Ken it's hot as fuck out here can't we just sit in the car with the A.C. man my balls gone be sweaty as hell" I said chuckling.

I tried breaking the silence but his face was resting and it wasn't nice. His resting bitch face was something serious it wasn't nice but it wasn't ugly. "I'm gone leave the door open if I do get in" he said rolling his eyes. The sweat pellets from his forehead was sliding down the side of his head. I walked to the car and got in.

I turned on the A.C. and he opened the door and sat in it with one leg out. "So what's up Monty you come over here and you talking so Monty what's good" he said with an attitude. This heat must be getting to his head because he knows not to talk to me like that. I love him to death but I won't be disrespected by him.

"Kenyamo what happened a few days ago wasn't meant to happen and I'm sorry about it" I said and it felt like I was talking to a brick wall. He wasn't there with me and it was hurting me. "My thing is Monty you had a fucking baby while you were with me though and you had me thinking I was the only one" he said not even looking my way.

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