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The princess   stood from her seat slowly her had clutching her stomach she watched the man before her closely. The princes features turned from shocked to mortification. The usually calm man was now  a stranger to Rebecca eyes.
"You have to give up this child!" Thorten slammed his large hand into the wooden desk shattering into tiny splinters. Rebecca flinched back knowing he could bring the whole building down with his bare hands she brought her hands before her protecting her stomach, an instinct that came immediately with the knowledge of the foetus that rested within her.
"How dare you? Do you have no respect for our baby?. Would you really want me to kill our child?" Her hands clenched in pure anger.
"Really Rebecca?That thing is barely an inch thick, you couldn't possibly be this affectionate towards it already,"he shouted. He looked her and then his heart melted when he realized the tears his words brought to her eyes "I mean your father would never allow it. He'd punish you and do worse things to the baby so it would hurt me Rebecca."
"He doesn't have to know."Rebecca tried to sound confident but there was a tremble in voice for she was well aware of the wickedness her father could do and she feared for her child.
"And how will you hide it?"
Rebecca brows creased in thought for a moment.
"I could leave the kingdom, find somewhere to hide."
"You know they will find you." He said a - matter - fact then he thought for a moment "you could hide until the baby is born and then I have a aunt that lives by herself in a little village she could raise our child for us until you become queen."
Rebecca  frowned. She knew that once she became queen she'd be able to raise her child the way she wants to "I don't like it but if this is our only option for now I'll take it."
"You do know I love you." Thorten grabbed Rebecca soft hands in his.
"Oh, Thorten I do." She wrapped her arms around Thorten drinking in his warmth sad with uncertainty  of ever seeing  the love of her life ever again.

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