Before the Curtains Rise One Last Time...

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I had no idea that Season 11 was gonna be so...big and awesome. This Season has challenged me, and challenged Cassette, and who Josette is. I don't know how my character got in a crazy downward spiral. 

Must be a Winchester thing.

Maybe this is why I kept her out of all the other seasons...Bring in the sister for the darkest seasons of the show.

Disclaimer: Josette Winchester and any other original characters of my own creation/their plot/their dialogue belong to me. Original characters from the show Supernatural/plot/concepts/dialogue belong to their owners and certainly not me. 

Like my past two novels in this trilogy, please note there may be some references to some earlier Supernatural works of mine (e.g. Reckless and You Found Me). And I will say this like I have before, you don't need to read the two listed to understand this story. It is a better reading experience if you do, but Josette's story does not rely on the references of the other two. Please do not feel obligated to read the other two because of this story, you have plenty of time (if you wish) to go back and read the other two once Josette's story is wrapped up for good. 

Warning: Due to some natures of this book, it has been labeled as Mature. What qualifies this book as Mature? Well...

*Mild sexual content (the most I've really ever written in a fanfic, ever)


*Violence (obviously)

*Dark adult themes

Going hand in hand with the warning above, I must stress, this book may cause some triggers. This is the only warning you shall receive on this issue. It's better that I do it here, because I know for sure I'll forget to label those chapters. 

Any of the topics that may cause triggers, please note that I would never glorify them. I only strive to make them as real for my characters as it is for people who are suffering/have suffered from the same thing. 

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