Chapter 4 (This wasn't planned)

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*Friday after school Justin is driving Marcel and Zayn to football practice*

Zayn's POV

I sat slumped in the backseat of Justin's car, unhappy. Why did we have to go to his house when we had homework to do?!?! Why was Marcel letting him? Why can't I just go home like I had planned?

We pulled up to a football field, "Why are we here...and not at your house?" I asked Justin.

"You'll see." He said sounding a bit excited.

Marcel ran around and opened the car door for me, and I slowly got out. We began to walk to the stands when I saw him...the most beautiful man that was ever made, Liam Payne. His hair was screwed up in a way that I couldn't get enough of ,his cheeks red from the heat, his football jersey sticking to his sweaty, sexy, body. He was a hot mess.

"Hey Zayn the stands are this way!!" Said Justin laughing. I had been headed towards Liam..I walked over towards the stands embarrassed. When I sat down Marcel and Justin began teasing me about how I was looking at Liam.

"You were looking at him like I look at homework!" shouted Marcel making Justin double over in laughter.

"Okay!" Shouted the coach. "Here's how we're gonna play-" I pretty much tuned him out the entire time paying attention to Liam's sweaty body...he was so hot when he ran.

When the football game was over and the boys started walking away from the felid I felt a sharp Payne in the side of my head. "OWWW!" I yelped, a football had hit me in the side of the head... This is why I don't like not planning things...

"Zayn are you ok?" Shouted Marcel rushing to my side.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." I muttered.

"Why don't you go make yourself useful and be the towel boy.. For the football players in the showers they don't have one ...Just a suggestion." Justin said and winked, unaware that I had been hit in the head.

"Uh okay I guess..." I muttered.

I started walking towards the boys locker room feeling nervous. What if I slipped and Liam saw it? What if I gave Liam a cold? What if all the boys in here were mean to me? When you have OCD you have to consider every possiblity...

I started handing towels out to the boys coming out of the shower... and then I saw him walk out.

He walked out of the shower in what seemed like slow motion flicking his wet brown hair like a puppy, water dripping down his perfect body... And...and it's way bigger than I imagined.

"Umm you dropped your towels and what did you say?" Said the boy in front of me. Oh no I just said that out loud...

"Uhh n-n-nothing." I stammered while picking them up and handing one to him.

"Thanks." He said drying off his hair and wrapping the towel around his waist.

"You know." He said. "You should really consider-" He's. Talking. To. Me.

"Uhh Zayn?" He asked.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Soooo are you gonna answer my question about coming to practice next time?"

"Yeah of course I will!!" I said excited. I can't believe he wanted me to come...and watch him!

"Ok well see you then." he said wrapping me in a quick bear hug.

"He HUGGED ME!" I squealed to Justin and Marcel on the way home. Justin chuckled, "See what can happen when you don't plan it?"

I had only spent three days with Justin, and already he had became one of my best friends.

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