Chapter 3 (The Dream)

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Niall's POV

When I went to my motor shop after school I felt myself missing it for some reason...I never miss school when I'm gone...The only thing that's changed is that new kid...WAIT.. NO! You were making fun of him with Louis and Nick remember? Yeah but his laugh is so..

"Niall?" Joe asked.

"Uhh what?" I said dazed.

"Uhhhmmm arent you going to put stripes on my motorcycle? ...Like I just asked you?" He asked.

"Yeah...yeah I'll have it done by Sunday." I said.

When I got home I laid down in bed, tired from my long day. I then, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Help!" I heard a familar voice call.

"Help Niall! Please!" yelled the voice again. It sounded as though it was muffled.

I ran into the darkness and turned several corners my breath heavy, my sweat cold from the chill of the night, trying to find where the voice was coming from.

"Niall!" The voice seemed closer this time.

I turned another corner and at the end of a dark ally laid the body of Justin Bieber. I walked over to him and whispered "J-Justin are you okay?" As I bent down to examine him.

"Niall." Justin said weakly.

I saw blood covering his white T-shirt it looked as though he had been stabbed violently, by someone who did not like his company.

"Its ok Justin, everything's gonna be alright." I said to him, lifting him up in my arms and carrying him towards my house.

"Justin who did this to you?" I whispered as I stroked his hair.

"The Torto Tenebris." He managed to choke out. ( Torto Tenebris is latin for Twisted Darkness)

"Who?" I asked him.

"Us." A cold voice said. I looked up and saw 10-15 men probably in their 20's standing before us with weapons in their hands, the one that had said that was a black man with a dark cold look of hate in his eyes. He had a knife with blood on it. I looked at him in petrified horror.

"We don't like faggots coming anywhere near us." he said. "You're next, and this time nether of you will be waking up." He said and then threw a punch at me. Me and Justin were knocked to the ground.

I woke up in a cold sweat to the early morning light shining though my window. I covered my face with my hands, that was probably one of the worst dreams I've ever had... Thank god it was only a dream.

When I walked into science class the first thing I looked at was Justin, today his brown hair was slicked down with hair gel, he had on blue jeans and a gray turtle neck...he looked up at me and gave me a friendly smile.

"Get with your partners please to figure out what your going to do, this will be an outside of school project." Said the teacher. I got up and sat next to Justin.

"Hey Niall." He said cheerfully.

"Hi" I muttered back to him.

"So Ill guess be over at your house on Friday?" I asked him.

"Could we change it to Saturday? I'm busy Friday." He said.

"What are you doing on Friday?" I asked.

"Going to football practice with some friends." He said.

"I didn't know you played football." I said surprised.

"I don't I'm going to watch them practice." He said.

Justin's POV
"See you Saturday then." I said to him as he got up.

*Lunch time*

"So Justin, I understand that your planning to take me and Zayn to your house Friday show us around..?" Marcel asked.

"Yeah-" I started to say.

"Do we really HAVE to do everything he says?" Zayn asked.

Marcel chuckled, "Be polite Zayn and come visit." He said.

"But-but Marcelll" Zayn whined. I chuckled.

"So how's the partner thing going with Louis?" I asked Marcel.

"He's quite a horrible partner..." Marcel said, "very rude never does any of the work... He always threatens me but I'm planning to go to his house on Saturday even though I don't really want to."

"Same here with me and Niall except he's actually not that bad." I said.

"You think that guy isn't bad! I wouldn't be surprised if he was the definition of bad!" Marcel shouted.

"Uhhh well he hasn't been acting bad lately..." I said.

"Oh just wait he will when he comes to your house." Marcel said.

"Just be careful with him, okay?" Marcel asked.

"Okay." I said.

Niall's POV

* Thursday morning*

"I've been having the same crazy dream all week." I said to Louis even though I knew he would probably give a shit less.

"What's it about?" Louis asked, not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Well...a gang beats this kid up and then they try to kill us..." I said feeling a little stupid.

"It's fine Niall..." Louis said, "it's probably because your eating so much before bed... Fat ass."

"Dickhead." I said punching him in the shoulder.

"Speaking of gangs I've heard there's a new one hanging around here." Said Louis.

"What's the name of it?" I asked Louis.

"Twisted Darkness... stupid name right?" He said. Shivers ran up my spine.

AN: Hope you guys liked this chapter!! There's gonna be some Ziam in the next one!! <3

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