I swore under my breath. This woman in front of me is just... Something. From her {H-C} locks to her glowing {E-C} eyes. I had to use all the self restraint I had not to grab her and pin her down to the couch we were sitting on. While she had her sketchbook and a pencil in her {D-H} hand, her face had full concentration to the lines she was making. She suddenly set her stuff down and stood up, stretching her back causing her shirt to ride up. I could easily see the muscle she had on her legs as my eyes traveled up her body. They briefly stopped at her stomach which showed her six pack, and I smirked in my mind. They continued moving up but stopped at her breasts. I couldn't pull my eyes away no matter how much I knew I needed to I couldn't. Suddenly her face was right in mind and I jumped in surprise, not expecting the quick and sudden movement. "Didn't expect you to be so perverted Luddy." I blushed at both her statement and the nickname. "I-I j-jou-" I tried to stammer out something to disagree with that sentence but she cut me off. "Bad Ludwig." She teasingly said while waving her finger in the 'ah ah ah' way. Blushed again and looked away. 'Don't do zhat, jou're only making me vant jou more.'

{Y-N} and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie. I was sitting on the right side while she was laying on the other with her legs on mine. I stared at her and realized how vulnerable she was right now. All her attention was on the TV, her glorious body was relaxed and just begging to be touched. I started off small with tracing shapes on her leg with my finger. She glanced at me with a small smile before going back to the TV. I smirked and trailed my hand up more. She didn't do anything so I made up my mind to make her do something. I quickly pounced on her and wrapped my arms around her torso and with a cheerful and 'oblivious' look on my face as I buried my face in her chest. I could hear her heartbeat beat faster and felt her skin warm up more than it already was. "F-Feli!" She cried out and I pulled my face out. "Ve~?" She tried to get out of my grip but she couldn't and eventually gave up with a sigh. I smirked and rested my head on her breasts. 'Don't judge a book by its cover bella~'

She loved to cosplay, right? I held up the outfit that I would love to see on her. She willingly took it with a smile not realizing what it really was and went to go change. A few minutes later I could hear her timid voice laced with embarrassment. "Kiku, do I have to wear this?" She asked and I put my best acting on. "Onry if you want to. I just thought that you wourd rike to cospray." I heard her sigh and the shuffling of clothes later. The door opened and she was wearing the with a blush on her face. My soft brown eyes hardened when I saw her and I smiled at her. "It rooks good on you." I said, hiding my emotions on my face and in my voice. She looked down and quickly ran back into the room. My smile fell and I could feel the disappointment rolling off of me. 'So close.'

She moved through the kitchen with her hips swinging as she cooked, listening to music. The moves were graceful and beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes away. I slowly and quietly made my way towards her, remembering what Grandpa Rome told me, "So chase it Lovi, like a wolf. Hunt. It. Down." And like a wolf I would. When her back was facing me I wrapped my arms around her waist quickly and lifted her off the ground and carried her to the kitchen table. She was blushing and about to say something when I desperately placed my lips on hers. They were smooth and plump and fit with mine like a puzzle piece. I moaned and deepened the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands trailed down and I lifted her off the table and pushed her against the wall, my hands below her butt to hold her up. I moved to her neck and squeezed her butt making her squeak. She suddenly pushed me away with a bright red face. "I-I have to make dinner!" She exclaimed and ran back to the kitchen. 'Don't-a worry amore, we-a will finish this-a later.'

She was my chica, my princesa, my world. Her smile was brighter than the sun, her laugh was better than any music that could be played, and her voice... She made me feel like I was back on my ship sailing the ocean and keeping lookout for the beautiful sirens. She would lure me in with her voice, entrance me with her looks, and when I was close enough she would attack. She ran away from me with a smirk on her face as she had just teased me again. The lust was clear on my face and my eyes were narrowed as if I was an animal preparing to pounce on its prey. I ran after her and grabbed her waist before slamming my lips on hers. She was startled so I took the opportunity to shove my tongue in her mouth. Her taste was extraordinary and I wanted more of it. She pushed me away with wide eyes and her face flushed in embarrassment. "I-I think th-the tomatoes need to be taken care of." She stuttered out as an excuse and ran out the door.

It's unawesome, but I couldn't help it. This frau in front of me is making it impossible for me to concentrate. She was sitting on the chair with some paperwork for her job on her lap and she was filling them out. She was bent over so I could get a perfect view. I couldn't look away, this was nothing like that one time with Hungary where I had to give her my crotch cloth, it was nothing like that at all! Maybe it was because I love her and Hungary is just a frienemy? Ja, that has to be it. "Gilbert!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I saw {Y-N} sitting there with a blush on her face. I shook my head and put on my confident attitude. "Ja frau, jou'd like to address zhe awesome Gilbert?" "Change that awesome to perverted. Quit staring at my chest!"

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