Chapter 24

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The past couple of days had been uneventful. The Doctor mainly kept to himself and spent the majority of his time fixing odds and ends around the TARDIS that didn't need fixing. Whenever I tried to keep him company or ask him if he wanted to do something or needed any help with anything he would only push me away. He was doing exactly what Amy and River feared he would do; he was forcing himself to be alone.

I knew that he needed time to grieve over the loss of his two dearest friends, but I feared that he would completely push me away. I was terrified that we would lose the special bond that we had. Whenever I was around he didn't so much as look at me the way he used to.

Before the Ponds left we were inseparable. The two of us were best friends and were slowly beginning to fall in love. Whenever he got the chance he would bop me on the nose, kiss my forehead, or keep his arm around my shoulder. We had never gone this long without showing some bit of affection and it was slowly starting to kill me. Not only was I losing the man I loved, but I was also losing my best friend.

In order to keep myself occupied I spent the majority of my time reading in the library or sketching in my room. Most of my sketches were observational drawings for I was still afraid that if I made anything up, it would come to life and cause havoc.

I sat on my bed and flipped through my sketchbook, examining the interiors of the TARDIS I had drawn along with quick sketches of Amy and Rory from memory. A couple of pages were dedicated to a few copies of the circular Gallifreyan language I had found around the TARDIS. The details of the circles were very complex and took me hours to perfect. Unfortunately, I still didn't understand what it said. I had searched the library for a book on it, but ended up fruitless.

It would've taken me years to explore that entire library. The walls were covered from floor to ceiling with books. Not to mention that each turn you took you would end up in a completely different section with more aisles of bookshelves. It was a miracle I didn't get lost in there.

I flipped to the most recent pages in my sketchbook. Most of them were observational drawings of the Doctor. While he was working, I would sit a good distance away from him and draw him. Most of the time he didn't notice me, but when he did he would throw me a single glance before turning back to his work. No smile. No twinkle in his eyes. Nothing. It was like I was nothing but air to him and it crushed me.

With a heavy sigh I closed my sketchbook and stepped into the bathroom. I ran the tub and watched as the steam radiated off the water as I added my favorite peach bubble bath to the mix. I watched sadly as the bubbles began to grow as the water level rose slowly. Once the water was high enough, I shut the tap off and stripped down to nothing. The scorching water burned at my skin as I stepped into the bath. Slowly I lowered myself into the water breathing in deeply as the warming scent of peaches filled my nostrils. A sigh of content escaped my lips as I leaned back, allowing the water to soak my hair and face.

I held my breath as I went under and stayed there until I couldn't go any longer without air. This had become a daily routine of mine right before bed. The scorching water soothed me along with the light scent peaches from the bubbles. I would lie in the water until the skin on my hands and feet wrinkled up like prunes or until I couldn't take the heat anymore.

After a good ten to fifteen minutes, I stepped out of the tub and dried myself off. My skin had flushed a light pink after sitting in the scorching water for so long. If the Doctor had found out I was sitting in scorching water for such lengths of time he probably would've have scolded me or demanded that I at least add some colder water to the mix. A single tear rolled down my cheek, which I quickly wiped away before more followed. He'll turn around... eventually. He just needs time.

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