Chapter 5

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The two of us ran out from behind the building we were using for shelter and sought out the Oxyopythene. Which wasn't too hard because I had to push the Doctor out of the way from a sudden burst of blue flames. The flames circled around me in a fiery chill. A shiver ran throughout my body as the cool flames licked at my skin causing goose bumps to surface on my arms. Shivering slightly I pulled away from the chilling flames as they began to die out.

"How... how..." The Doctor gasped looking at me in shock as he ran his fingers through his hair, not quite knowing what to do with himself. "Those flames burn! I mean no offense or anything, but how are you not a pile of ash right now?"

"I don't know... they just don't affect me. Now aren't we going to go question that thing?" I asked in an attempt to get him back on track.

He raised his pointer finger in the air and formed an "O" with his lips. "Right, come along Claire." He grabbed a hold of my hand and we ran in the direction the flames had come from.

We rounded the corner and came face to face with the Oxyopythene. The Doctor and I stopped abruptly in an attempt to not run right into it. The Oxyopythene stared intently at me with its fiery gaze. I tensed slightly earning a concerning look from the Doctor.

He lowered his head slightly and whispered lightly in my ear. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, his breath tickling my ear slightly.

I nodded and the Doctor squeezed my hand in reassurance before letting it go. My heart thumped wildly in my chest as I cleared my throat nervously.

"Ok, let's try this again shall we?" I said under my breadth as the Oxyopythene waited for me to continue. I looked back at the Doctor, beginning to feel unsure of myself. He nodded slightly in the direction of the Oxyopythene. I quickly turned back to face the creature and began to interrogate it.

"Why are you here?"

The Oxyopythene blinked slowly before answering in its raspy voice "You brought me here."

"I know, but why are you here?" I asked softly trying not to let my voice waiver in fear.

It paused in thought. Its blazing blue eyes seemed to see straight into my soul.

"I did not intend to cause harm to others, I only wanted to protect you."

I stared back at it in confusion. It wanted to protect me? From what? I wasn't in any danger... was I?

"But I'm not in any danger." I said in an attempt to reassure it as well as myself.

"I am only here to protect you from those who wish to harm you." It rasped.

"But those were innocent people, they weren't trying to hurt me." I told it gently.

The Oxyopythene looked from me to the Doctor before resting its unsettling eyes back on me.

"I'm sorry, I must have been mistaken." It hung its head in shame as it dropped to its knees and bowed before me.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do as the Oxyopythene bowed at me feet in embarrassment.

"Err... Doctor? What do I do?" I asked between my teeth not taking my eyes off the alien bowing at my feet.

In a flash, the Doctor was at my side. He clapped his hands together causing the Oxyopythene to jump back to its feet.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor." The Doctor smiled. "So, Oxyopythene... do you have a name? I feel rather rude just calling you by the name of your species." He asked with a guilty laugh.

The creature paused and thought hard for a second before turning his gaze to me. "What is my name?" He asked in confusion.

I staggered slightly, completely taken aback that I needed to name him. "Err, Perious, your name shall be Perious."

Perious nodded happily and turned his attention to the Doctor. "My name is Perious." He announced proudly.

The Doctor smiled happily and draped an arm across my shoulders. "Well then Perious, perhaps we should take you back home then. No need to worry about Claire, she's in no danger and if you feel the need to reassure yourself, just pop on by and visit her."

Wait visit me? He was going to let some strange alien visit me whenever it pleased? What was with this guy? I suddenly felt the urge to elbow him in the ribs, but I held back deciding it probably wouldn't be a good idea. He was taking everything a little to well though... almost like he's done this on a daily basis.

"Until then, farewell Claire, Doctor." Perious said bowing slightly to the both of us.

All of a sudden a harsh wind picked up and blew around us as Perious disintegrated into thin air. Once Perious was gone the wind died down and the gentle breeze that was blowing before returned.

I stared at the spot where Perious once stood in complete and utter shock, my mouth hanging slightly agape.

The Doctor took it upon himself to close it shut with his hand. I looked up at him in confusion.

"Where did he go?" I asked stating the obvious, as usual.

"Back to his home planet most likely. Looks like you got yourself a guardian." He said with a laugh.

"So you're completely cool with that? An alien who was once attacking my town is now allowed to come and visit me whenever it wants to make sure I'm all right?" I asked beginning to get my common sense knocked back into me.

"Yup." He said as he began walking off.

"Wait!" I called as I ran up to him. I fell back into step with him as we headed to who knows where. "You seem to take these things pretty lightly. Aliens coming out of nowhere and attacking a small town, helping in any way that you can and then you're off on your merry way. You probably do this just about everyday, don't you?" I asked. Never in my entire life had I been so forward and able to speak my mind so freely, it was really beginning to scare me.

The Doctor flashed me a knowing smile as we reached a blue telephone box, the same blue telephone box that was on my street earlier this afternoon. A light gasp escaped my lips. It was him the whole time.

"Just about."

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