Chapter 23

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Tears streamed down my face as my broken wrists hung uselessly at my sides. The pain was unbearable. I looked up at River through my blurred vision. "He's going to find out eventually." I managed to say through the pain.

"I know he is, just pretend nothing's wrong for as long as possible, you saw how he was carrying on." She said looking to me in pity.

I nodded as she wiped my tears away with a handkerchief. "Come on, the Doctor needs us." She picked up her transmitter and began typing something on it as she made her way down the hall.

I followed River, trying my best to act like I wasn't in excruciating pain. It was easier said than done. We approached the main entrance where the Doctor and Amy were waiting.

"So, is this what's going to happen? We just keep chasing him and they keep pulling him further back?" Amy asked.

"He isn't back in time." River read from the transmitter as we entered the room. I did my best to hide behind her and pretend I was ok. "I'm reading a displacement, but there are no temporal markers. He's been moved in space, not in time, and it's not that far from here by the looks of it." She looked up at the Doctor triumphantly.

The Doctor stared at me, dumbfounded. "You got out." A small smile tugged at his lips as he stared at me in relief. My blood ran cold. How can I lie to him? He's so hopeful! The pain in my wrists equally matched the pain I felt in my heart as I dreaded him finding out the truth.

I managed a weak smile in response, not being able to open my mouth without crying in pain.

"So where is he?" Amy asked before the Doctor could ask me any more questions.

River took her time reading the transmitter as the Doctor paced about the room in impatience.

"Come on, come on, where is he?" He cried impatiently.

"If it was that easy, I'd get you to do it." River snapped.

The Doctor frowned at her before turning to me. My heart picked up the pace as he slowly walked up to me. "How did you get your wrists out without breaking them?" He asked in disbelief.

I couldn't answer. I just stared up at him nervously. My mouth opened several times to answer, but no words came out.

"You asked, I did." River answered for me. Luckily the Doctor seemed satisfied with that answer. His beautiful face grinned madly as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. He pulled away quickly before doing one of his weird dances around the room. "You just changed the future!" He laughed.

"Will you shut up, I'm working." River groaned.

"Ah, she's good, have you noticed? The both of you are really, really good." The happier and more hopeful he got the more my heart broke. I have to tell him. I can't let this go on any longer.

"Doctor..." I started.

"Ah, wherever it is, it's within a few blocks. There's a car out front. Shall we steal it?" River asked.

"Show me!" The Doctor said quickly.

I didn't even have time react. With the blink of an eye the Doctor grabbed for my right hand and attempted to drag me along with him. Immediately a sharp pain shot up my wrist causing me to cry out. The Doctor dropped my hand and stared at me in shock. Tears prickled at my eyes as he stared at me, his eyes filled with pain and disappointment. Oh, God, he hates me now.

The Doctor bit his bottom lip before turning to Amy. "Okay, when all those numbers on both units go to zero, that's when we've got a lock, okay? It's how we find Rory." He said handing the transmitter to Amy.

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