Am I in trouble??

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There used to be Minneli in this as opposed to Hightower, but I decided to change it. That's all for now.....

Disclaimer: Me no own mentalist...


Lisbon's P.O.V

I look up as Van Pelt tentatively opens he door to my office. I automatically regret doing this. Telling people is supposeed to help, Teresa. You and Van Pelt are friends. Not close friends, but you're friends. 

"Boss, you wanted me?" She questions.

"Hey," I slowly say. My tone sounds ominus.

"Am I in trouble?" she asks.

"Look, Grace," I get up from my desk.

"Oh my god, are you firing me!?" she gasps, clasping her hands over her mouth.

"No, no no," I quickly say.

"Oh good, sorry boss. Sorry, you just sounded so... I just assumed.."

"You're not in trouble, Grace. Honestly, I am."  I say, stepping in front of my desk, and leaning against it.

"Ohhhh. Bertram did something, didn't he?" Van Pelt visably relaxed.

"No. Jane did. Kind of," I state.

"Oh. Let me get this straight. Jane did some idiotic crap that got you in trouble, and you called me to your office....." 

"Why did I do this?" I mutter. She looks even more confused. "You know what, never mind. " 

"So that's what this is about!! You're going to tell me what's been bothering you, but you decided against it because you are really introverted! No offense," Grace realizes. 

"Umm...Just pretend that I never called you to my office. Ok, none of this happened," I shake my head, wondering why I put myself out there.

"You can't back down now, you have to tell me." she persisted.

"Okay, fine.." I quickly shut the blinds, and peek out the door, making sure no one could overhear. "You see," I say, gathering all my courage, " and Jane..we kissed."

" Holy crap! When? Where?" she demands. I sit down on the edge of my desk. 

"I'm not going to spew all my personal secrets," I scold. 

"What you need is a day off. It looks like you've got a lot on your mind. Thanks for telling me, though. I always thought you guys would make an adorable couple," she smile, exiting my office. What have I done? I sincerely hope that she won't tell anyone. Maybe I should take her advice. She's right, I do have a lot on my mind, and I haven't taken a day off in forever. Hightower should let me. 

I stride into Hightower's office, determined to get that day off. The more I think about it, the better it sounds. "Agent Hightower?" I announce, "I would like a day off. We aren't in the middle of a case right now and I haven't had one in over 10 years."

She glances up, "Well. That is true, and you deserve one. I guess I'll let you take tomorrow off."

"Really?" I'm shocked because, normally, it would take ages to persuade her.

"I've been expecting you to ask for awhile. Alright, I have work to do" she says, not unkindly.  I turn, and step triumphantly out of her office. "I would want a day away from Jane, too," she calls.

I smile, thinking, "You have no idea." 

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