As I was about to walk into my own house, I saw Micky struggling with the pram at his own door. It’s nice how he’s helping Ella a lot but I really don’t know how he’s coping with her really bad motherly instincts.

“You know, it’s best if you fold the pram down first. That’s if Jonah’s out the pram” I commented.

“I’ve gathered that, however, the pram’s stuck in the door. And if I damage it, Ella will saw me to shreds” He said, not looking up.

“You could’ve done that in the first place though”

“I know, but I’m obstinate. I’m sure you’ve realised that by now”

“Unfortunately. But hey, I best get back in before Greg wakens up and wonders where I’d gone”

“He’s sleeping?” Micky asked confused.

“Yeah, he passed out like half an hour ago, maybe more”

“I didn’t know we’d kept him up”

“You know Greg though; he won’t tell a soul what’s going on. Plus, he knows that it’s Jonah’s first day/night home and we all know that you have to get him in a routine. So don’t worry about Greg, I’ll sort him out”

“I’m sure you will” Micky joked, while raising his eyebrows.

“NOT LIKE THAT!” I exclaimed quickly.

“Mm” He laughed.

“I’m not as needy as you and Ella. We’ve all heard you repeatedly though”

“Dang, I thought we’d managed to be quiet”

“I think that’s impossible on your behalf. Especially, when Ella has a voice of a foghorn going ‘OH, OH, OH’”

“Oh my days” He said embarrassed, “Were we really that bad?”

“Yep” I stated.

“Oh balls. No wonder Dan and Lottie gave us dirty looks”

“Yeah, anyway, I’ll let you struggle further and I’ll see you later”

“See you and tell Greg we’re sorry”

“Why you sorry?”

“About Jonah’s crying”

“Micky, he’s one day old, he’s obviously gonna cry. It’s what babies do,” I stated.

“I know but we’ve practically pushed him out his own home”

“Micky, Greg doesn’t think that. He knows you’re both new parents and he’s giving you time to get him settled. Just don’t think on it, and Greg will be fine. If he’s not, he’ll have no balls left” I smiled.


“Don’t thank me. I’m your neighbour so it’s only fair”

“You aren’t our neighbour; you’re our friend and obviously, Greg’s girlfriend”

“Yeah but more importantly, I’m your neighbour. Anyway, have fun with the pram” I said before I walked inside. It’s not that I didn’t wanna talk to Micky, I just felt like I needed to get back to Greg. He didn’t know I’d left and I’m pretty sure he’d go cuckoo if he found out. It’s not that he’s possessive, Greg would never be one of those people, it’s just, after everything that’s gone on, he likes to know where I am. Just in case something like what happened, happens again. As I walked in, I found Greg sound asleep on my couch. Well, that’s strange, he was asleep on my bed when I left and now he’s on the couch … Hmm, it’s very strange.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now