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Hi guys! Those of you who are reading Prince Charming will know that this is the special epilogue that shows Sayuri's wedding! If you're not reading Prince Charming, then this is the special epilogue that shows Sayuri's wedding! Totes exciting!!! Enjoy and vote comment follow and all that! I love you!!

Sayuri's POV:

"Are you ready to go?" asked my father. I nodded, straightening my dress and swallowing my nerves. The wedding march played and I stepped onto the aisle.

I could hear gasps and sobs from the guests as I emerged, but I only had eyes for one person. Nekozawa was wearing a black suit and looked incredibly handsome. He was crying silently, a smile on his face. I took my place and watched the bridesmaids come down the aisle.

Renge was crying unsurprisingly, she had her face buried in Kyoya's shoulder which he didn't look thrilled about. Michiko also had tears in her eyes. She was walking with Arian, which was strange. She was supposed to be engaged to Halle, his brother, but it was forced and Halle was one of the most horrible people I'd ever met in my life. Arian was nice. If the situation had been any different, Michiko and Arian would have been the perfect couple, but it wasn't. I hated seeing my sister like this.

Haruhi was crying the hardest out if all of us. That was weird. I'd never seen Haruhi as over emotional, but there was no mistaking how much she was sobbing. Tamaki looked confused, he stood next to her awkwardly as he wiped his watering eyes.

Nekozawa touched my hand lightly as his sister stepped out. She looked adorable in a sky blue frock decorated with ribbons. She was throwing confetti and looked like the perfect flower girl. Honey beside her was posing as the ring bearer. In one hand he held the ring box and in the other he dragged Usa-chan who was wearing a mini tuxedo. There were "Awwwwwww"s from the crowd as they walked up the aisle.

"Do you, Umehito Nekozawa, take thee, Sayuri Kamiko to be your lawfully wedded wife?" came the booming voice of the priest a little while later.

Nekozawa smiled through his tears. "I do" he whispered.

"And do you, Sayuri Kamiko take thee, Umehito Nekozawa to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I looked into Nekozawa's eyes and knew that I would never find anyone else for me. He was the love of my life.

"I do" I said.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Nekozawa lifted my veil and gently touched my face. "I love you" he whispered, then leaned foreword and kissed me. It was a light kiss until we got a bit carried away.

"Ahem" said the priest loudly and we jumped apart. My husband grinned sheepishly at me and I absent mindedly rested my hands on my stomach.


I quickly moved my hand, making it look like I was just smoothing down my dress. I hadn't told him yet. I guess I was scared about how he'd react. I made up my mind to tell him at the party.


I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed in time to the music. I was clumsy but Nekozawa was actually a pretty good dancer.

"Baby" I whispered. "I have to tell you something"

He nodded and kissed my hair. "Go for it" he murmured.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."


Dun dun dunnnnn.... Now listen my children *creepy smile* this story is entered to the Ouran Watty awards so please vote for it! All you need to do is search Ouran Watty Awards, go to the chapter called other and comment "the prince of darkness" pleeeeasse?

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