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Hi! First of all I want to thank you all for getting this story to 1000 reads! *wipes eyes* I never ever imagined that people may actually read this, and when I started writing it my target for the whole thing was 200 reads! So I am so emotional right now. Secondly, this is the final chapter :'( I hope you enjoy, I'm currently drowning in a pool of my own tears. So yeah. Lastly the sequel should come out sometime this week!! I'll keep you posted! So don't go away ;)

Sayuri's POV:

2 months had passed and we were due to leave for Norway tomorrow. We'd brought all those horrible Norwegian clothes to wear- why would they wear anything as stupid?- and everything we owned was packed into the bullet-proof car that would bring us there.

Michiko was having a hard time adjusting to the shock. She said she was ok, but I heard her crying at night. My mother just sat there, occasionally making harsh comments about Michi's red eyes.

"Michiko" came my mothers voice from downstairs. "Let me fix your hair"

I sighed and followed Michiko downstairs, incase she needed moral support.

"Michiko dah-ling, do you honestly think any prince will want you looking the way you do? Your hair is like a bird's nest and your face is all red and puffy. I'll give you a Norwegian makeover and you might look ok-"

I slapped her. Like, proper bitch slap. There was a crashing noise as my palm hit her cheek, leaving a satisfying red mark.

"Don't you dare" I told her. "You may be my mother but if you ever talk to Michiko like that again, I will physically kill you."

She whimpered and I stormed off.

"Thank you so much Yuri!" Gushed Michiko as she lifted Aiko onto her knee.

"Ach, no problemo but I have to meet Nekozawa, will you be ok?"

"Yeah, have fun" Michiko winked suggestively, causing me to blush and poke her in the ribs.

Nekozawa looked different today, he seemed to radiate an aura full of love but also nervousness. He was twitching and his hand kept going to his pocket. We sat on the balcony in his room and watched the sun set. Suddenly, he stood up.

"Sayuri, I have something to tell you-"

"You're pregnant!" I gasped, then "Oh. Wait. Go on."

"Urm yeah, thanks for that anyway, umm, Sayuri I wanted to say that, well, I love you so much, and I feel like, I dunno, it's destiny that you ran into the black magic room that time. I feel like you've helped me so much, you know, because when I met you I was a lonely prince of darkness, and now I have you and... well what I'm trying to say is that I know we're young and haven't been together that long, and it wouldn't have to be tomorrow but- urgh, Sayuri, will you marry me?"

I gazed at him shocked for a second before squealing "Yes!" and jumping into his arms. He fumbled in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a ring. It was silver with a diamond in the middle and around the edge were the words:

"Ankoku no hime" or "princess of darkness" in English.

I smiled through my tears. "When I met you" I started, my voice slightly shaky. "I was in a bad place. My mother didn't love me, and I blamed myself. I got so upset that... I hurt myself for it. And then we found each other, and you pulled my life up from the pit. You made me appreciate what I have, rather then mourning what I don't. I love you so much. And for this reason, I'd marry you tomorrow if I had something to wear!"

He chuckled and nuzzled my neck.

"We better find you something to wear then, my princess of darkness"


Thank you all for reading this, and please check out the sequel when I post it. I love ya!

The Prince of Darkness (ouran)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن