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Nekozawa's POV:

Hoisting my school bag onto my shoulder, I began to leave class. I had a black magic club meeting to run. I knew that it would be pretty boring, with just one or two people there, but I had made a commitment. Besides, Beelzenef wanted to speak to some voodo doll about maybe getting a drink. I groaned inwardly. It was coming to something when even your curse puppet ditched you for a girl. Before I could open the door to the club, however, Tamaki Suoh stepped out in front of me.

"Nekozawa!" he practically screamed. "I must know: what are your intentions with Kamiko Sayuri? Romantically?"

I felt myself blush like an 11 year old girl talking to her crush. Great start.

"Suoh, really? I have no intentions with Sayuri! Not romantically anyway"

Tamaki looked at me in surprise. "Well why ever not?" he excaimed. "Which is it?"

"Uhhh which is what?" I asked, feeling the answer was not going to be good.

"Are you blind or just gay?"

Thankfully Haruhi came in at that moment, else I would have been in an awkward situation. She gave Tamaki a disapproving glare.

"Tamaki are you causing trouble?" She asked, looking from his shocked expression to my bright red face.

"He's not in love with Sayuri!" Tamaki protested with the air of someone snitching to the teacher. Sure enough, Haruhi gasped.

"Are you gay or just blind?" She asked in horror.

"I'm neither! Why do you assume I like her?"

"Nekozawa" she said, patting my hand sympathetically for a second. "Did you seriously just ask that question?"

I looked at her confused.

"Look, I'm not an expert on love, but even Tamaki can see that you have strong feelings for her. I just don't understand why you won't admit it"

I turned my head slightly, still at a bit of a loss. I'd never even considered it before, especially not at night, especially not at two in the morning, and of course I never cried about it, and never lied to my sister about why I had been crying. Nope.

Haruhi looked at me in shock. "Oh no don't tell me you don't know yet!" She said, in panic. "Did I ruin it? Just... Stop thinking about it. Pretend this never happened."

I stared at her, trying to stop thinking about it. It's like if someone tells you not to think about a pink elephant, and you can't think about anything else. My head exploded with a million different thoughts... I needed to get her out of my brain.

I turned and ran down the corridor, desperately thinking of anything but her. Sayuri- her voice- her face- her smile. As I sprinted home, I felt like I saw her face in every tree, flower, cloud. I kept looking behind me. I felt so confused, it was horrible. How did it go from almost nothing to this? Finally I reached my home. I flung open the front door, relieved to be safe from her. I nearly collapsed when I saw what was before me. Sitting on a rug with my sister, coloured paper scattered all around me...

"Oh hey Nekozawa" smiled Sayuri.

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