10,000 reads? Bonus chapter!

519 35 10


Imma try to stay calm but I don't think I can, you see I'm rather preoccupied with SQUEALING MY HEAD OFF!!! Now, I don't know if you know or care but this book, this amateur fanfic about the most random minor side character in the most beautiful anime, this book which I started off writing with the hopes that it would get maybe 150 reads, this book that caused me to almost cry with happiness when @ipie2000 made the first comment on in like chapter 7 or something, has just hit 10,000 reads. And yes, this isn't a lot compared to some bu- ARE YOU KIDDING? THIS IS AMAZING!! THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!! Honestly, this may demonstrate a complete lack of a life on my part but to me, it is a massive milestone.

Ahh, I remember when I started writing this story. My friend @strangenessthatisme said to me "You know, it's pretty good. It's a shame you're writing about anime so no one will ever read it- you should write about 1 direction like me"-(my friend @strangenessthatisme is literally going to kill me tommorow)- "and it might get popular". But I said to her "Ha, I don't care about reads. I'm doing this for fun!"

Well it turned out I was lying because you see, I do care about reads in that I'm completely over the moon that my book got 10K reads!! It was fun too though. :D Now The Prince of Darkness has 362 votes, over 100 comments and 10,000 reads so in celebration I wrote this wee one shot about Nekozawa and Sayuri- please enjoy!

Sayuri's POV:

"Please, please please go to sleep!" I practically sobbed.

Sora shrieked happily and hammered on the bars of the cot. "Yuk!"

"Come on sweetheart, would you please go to sleep for me? I'm so, so tired!"

"Yuk!" Sora wailed. She ran her hands through her curly hair, effectively spreading strawberry jam through it.

I'd been woken up for the third time that night by Sora's screaming. Wearily, I'd stumbled to the nursery dressed in an old shirt of Nekozawa's which I'd found in the wardrobe and worn because it smelled a little like him and it reminded me that I only had to manage two more weeks without him before he came home. Despite my lack of sleep, I tried to appear happy to comfort my distressed toddler as best I could and carefully lifted her out of her cot.

"Shh baby, be quiet for me!" I murmured, swaying with Sora in my arms to sooth her.

"YUK!" Sora howled and shoved her jam-covered hands onto my shirt.

"Oh, really?" I groaned. "Was that necessary?"

My daughter growled and squirmed against my chest, gnashing her four teeth against each other. She began to fret and cry noisily and beat her fists on my shoulder and I yelped and held her as far away from me as I possibly could.

"EEEEEEEEEEE!" she shrieked, waving her fingers beseechingly. "Yuk!"

I deposited her back in the crib and she cried harder, lips trembling in her strop. This was in no way fair. I was 22 years old for goodness sake! Maybe we hadn't been ready for kids, maybe if I'd known how much he'd be working we would never have- no, that wasn't fair. Nekozawa's work was important both to his family's legacy and our financial situation and I couldn't blame him for needing to do it. But I wished he was here now, even if just so that he could make Sora go to sleep and I could get a bit of much-needed rest myself. Michiko had dropped by this morning with a fresh-baked cookie and had run away, shouting that the living dead had taken her sister.

"Come on sweetheart, I really need you to be quiet for me! I haven't slept for days and Daddy's only been gone for 11 days and he's not coming back for another 15 and I can't call him cos he's in New York and I don't know what to do and I just miss him so much and-" I let out a choked sob and was alarmed to feel tears burning my eyes. I sucked in deep lungfuls of air and collapsed against the wall in floods of despair. "So just please, PLEASE go to sleep!"

There was a pause. Then, Sora gave a little sigh and said complacently "Yuk."

"Good girl" I cooed, finding the strength to look up at her from my seat on the floor. "Go to sleep for me now, yeah?"

She made a content little noise and began sucking her thumb. I gently arranged the blankets around her sleeping form and she fell asleep in a few minutes. Finally! I dragged myself to my own room and fell into my bed, the bed that felt so lonely without my husband to share it with me. Fortunately, I was far too exhausted to worry about how much I missed him for the moment and snuggled in to my duvet to go to sleep.

There was a crash from downstairs.

"Oh, great. Now we're being burgled!" I grumbled and sat up in bed. It seemed like a credit to just how tired I really was that my next thought was "If he wakes Sora up when he's dragging the TV out of the front door I'm gonna be so mad I'll-"

There was the sound of feet padding up stairs as if the owner was trying to be less noisy, which would make sense seeing as how they were trying to rob my home.

"Oh good grief, what if they come in here and see me only in a shirt? If I'd known we were having visitors, I'd have put make up on- I must look like a panda!"

Yup, the lack of sleep was not good for me. I might need to go to the doctor's or something.

There was a squeak which I knew came from Sora's toy mouse which had been thrown unceremoniously from her cot onto the floor of her room in a tantrum earlier that day, and a muffled curse. Then finally, the door to my room opened and my husband stepped inside.

"Sayuri!" he breathed and I leapt out of the bed and into his arms, clinging onto him for dear life. He stroked my hair softly as I dug my head into his shoulder and felt my frustration and despair wash away in his warm embrace.

"I missed you... so... much" I sobbed. "Don't you dare... do that to me... ever again!"

Was I hallucinating now? The thought briefly crossed my mind that he might just be a mirage brought about by sleep deprivation, like when people saw pools of water in the middle of the desert. After all, he wasn't meant to come back for another two weeks...

"I missed you too!" he assured me. "Kirimi flew up yesterday and basically shouted at me that I needed to come back early because she was worried about you-"

"Our child is the devil incarnate!" I protested. "I haven't slept in days!"

"Trust me, I know" he chuckled. "Although she seems to be sleeping peacefully now"

"So... tired" I mumbled against his chest.

"I can tell. You look like a zombie"

"Yeah, well you should have told me you were coming, I'd have put make up on. My eyes are like a panda's!"

"Luckily panda-eyed zombies are very popular in New York right now"

I tensed at the mention of the city. "How long before you have to go back?"

Nekozawa smiled. "I don't. I told my Father I could manage the business from here, I'm not being separated from you again it was hell- I actually spent a whole day in bed because I didn't have the motivation to get up and speak to snobby freakish clients for no reason"

"I'm so glad you're back!" I beamed. "I barely slept without you"

With a smirk, Nekozawa rested his forehead against mine. "I did nothing but sleep without you!"

He lead me to the bed and I got back in. He held my hand as I fell asleep, whispering into my ears and kissing the top of my head-


I was shaken out of my half-asleep state by Sora's indigenous outburst. With a groan, I moved to get up but Nekozawa stopped me.

"I'll get it" he promised. "You go to sleep"

And I did, thanking every lucky star I had ever wished on that I had such an amazing family.

Well guys, thanks for everything! Please be sure to vote and comment and make me even happier!

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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