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Yo! I is updating blad! And you is all gonna vote and comment cos you is cool like dat! Innit fam!

Nekozawa's POV:

Sayuri waved and came over, sitting on my knee.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hi Yuri" chorused Tamaki, Haruhi, Kyoya and Renge.

Since me and Sayuri had started dating, we were hanging out with the host club quite a bit. Right now we were sitting on the grass in the most shaded part of the park. It was a Saturday and the park was mostly full of people from school since it was a sunny day. I was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie; with much encouragement Sayuri had convinced me that I could survive without my cloak if I wore dark clothes and I had been surprised to find she was right. I still wore my dark wig though, she thought it looked better on me.

Sayuri turned to face me and smiled.

"By the way, Michiko will be here in like, 10 minutes, she was just drying her hair when you called"

"Oh ok" I grinned, and gave her a quick squeeze.

"Moeeeee!" Renge exploded. "Who would have thought that the dark boy obsessed with the occult could become such a loving boyfriend to an innocent girl like Sayuri? This is all down to my special training!"

Renge began hyperventilating and Kyoya gave her a weird look.

"I'll admit it is kind of cute" Haruhi smiled.

"Kind of? It's the most adorable thing since my teddy bear!" Shrieked Tamaki, clutching Kyoya dramatically. "Mommy, is Haruhi ok? I thought girls were supposed to like cute things!"

"Tamaki, if you really think questioning Haruhi's sanity is going to make her fall in love with you then you are even more of a moron then I thought" Kyoya sighed, pushing up his glasses slightly.

"What!!! Who said I wanted Haruhi to fall in love with me? I-"

Tamaki was cut off as a boy I vaguely recognised from school came up to us. It was Sho Hamasaki, a small-ish boy with black hair and light brown eyes. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt, with his families logo printed on the pocket.

"Hey Kamiko" he grinned. "I see you finally got yourself a boyfriend. Too bad he's a freak"

I began to stand up, determined to punch the little troll, but Sayuri stopped me with a light hand on my shoulder.

"Hamasaki, please just leave us alone" she groaned. Renge gave him a death glare, but he just rolled his eyes.

"Hmm let me think... how about... no"

"Mommy" sobbed Tamaki. "This boy is scary"

The boy grinned and was just about to make some rude comment no doubt when suddenly his mouth dropped open. I turned to see what he was staring at an saw Michiko, wearing a floaty summer dress decorated with butterflies. Her hair was loosely plaited over one shoulder and she was looking at Hamasaki in disgust.

"Woah!" he cried. "Hey there"

"Who are you and why are you annoying my sister?" she asked.

"Oh that? Nothing, just- wait she's your sister?"

"Yeah" Michiko said. "And that 'freak' as you say is her boyfriend and one of my best friends."

"But... your hot..." he said, confusion filling his face.

She glared at him.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked hopefully. Geez, this guy really didn't get the point.

"Hmm let me think... how about... no" she said, quoting him from earlier. Renge laughed and gave her a high five.

"Mr Hamasaki, I really suggest you leave unless you want me to buy out your families business." Kyoya said.

Hamasaki turned red and left.

"That... was... awesome!" Renge squealed, clapping her hands in glee. "Michiko I had no idea you could be so cruel! And Kyoya... well you just saved the day with your level headed logic! I could kiss you right now!"

"Please don't" Kyoya sighed, but I noticed he had turned a little pink. Awww.

Haruhi giggled. "Yeah that was pretty funny, but Sayuri, is he always doing that?"

I tensed. Sayuri looked down.

"Sometimes." she said. "But it's ok"

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I remembered how depressed Sayuri ja been when I first met her. Maybe this was part of the problem.

"Sayuri, you know I love you don't you" I asked. She nodded, a tear falling down her face. "And Michiko loves you, and so does Kirimi, and all if these guys"

"It's true- I love you like my own daughter" Tamaki smiled.

"So if you ever need anything, you can ask any of us"

She nodded. "I love all you guys too" she said contently.

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