"Hunter?" Vega said and I looked up at her. I saw sorrow deep within her eyes as she touched my chin and she turned my head to get a better look at what now threatened my figure. "Oh a scale one to one hundred how bad does it hurt?"

I cleared my throat as I became talking. "One hundred."

"You aren't crying that must be a good sign."

"He is in shock." Thomas said as he grabbed at the back of my tee shirt. "Come with me." I stood up and followed him. He lead me to the water where he made me sit and lean my head in the water. It was to clean it or something along that line. I whimpered from the pain it caused. I couldn't breath it was too much. I took my head out of the water which hurt more than having it in and Thomas grabbed a handful of my hair and he forced my head in the water. He left just enough of my head out of the water to breath. "You're ok kid."

"You're a monster." Katie's voice rang through my ears.

"Don't even talk to me." Shay voice cracked as he talked.

I couldn't see them since Thomas blocked my view but I could hear their conversation was beginning to become heated.

"No you are going to listen."

"Ok I'm listening."

"I'm starting to believe what everyone here is talking about..."

"Yeah and what lies are you all parading around telling about me?"

"Would something Dan really say be a lie?"

"Don't you dare bring my little brother into this conversation."

"Why can't I?"

"Because you don't know anything."

"Why did you bury all those bodies and make Dan help?"

"KATIE!!!" Vega yelled and Shay looked at her.

"You guys are ridiculous... What bodies?"

"You're a horrible liar." Katie told him. "I can see right through you."

"If you can see right through me then you can see that I'm telling you the truth."

"You're nothing but a liar and I don't feel safe with you around here."

"Well baby there is nothing I can do about that."

"You have to leave."

"That's kind of hard to do since you know island and stuff."

"Get away from our side go to your girlfriend."

"She is kind of standing right in front of me."

"No no no not me. Not anymore you ruined that. There is just so much I can handle and burning a friend's face off is no boyfriend of mine."

"So it ok for Hunter to treat you like that?"

"You weren't there last night with Hunter. You couldn't see just how much he wasn't himself. The entire night he showed symptoms of Brett syndrome. He shook, he said funny things without realizing it, he scratched, he pulled at his hair, and he got violent at time. Like Brett. You can't get mad at them when they are losing it. You on the hand we can because you're fine."

I pushed Thomas off of me and I stood up. "You can't get mad at him either." They all looked at me confused. "He's sick just the like the rest of us."

"Huh?" Shay said offended. "I'm not sick in the fucking head."

"Yes you are." I said. "I'm not mad at him.. He can stay."

"What!?" all of them said together.

"I understand why you did it."

"What?" Shay asked as he took a step towards me and I grabbed him pulling him into a hug. He produced an angry growl but his body told me everything that I needed to know he was terrified.

"Fight it." I told him.

Everything that Ellfie has told me made such sense to me. We were all fighting our own battles here if it's either yourself or some red hair, or if it's a lost or two. Or is it just everything in general... I get it. I know I should be pissed at him but I can't do it.

"Hunter." Katie said and I looked at her letting go of Shay. "Don't turn into Brett. You need to see the monster that lies with him. It's burning red." she covered her mouth at the mention of red and I ran my hand across my cheek. I felt the hot sensation still coming from it and the blood that flow onto the sand and down my arm staining everything it could. I looked up at Katie and I fell face first into the sand. I let it suffocate me and I prayed that the pain would all be over soon. 

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