Chapter 17

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Sorry that it's not that long and I feel like it isn't that good but maybe I'm wrong. Sorry if I'm right!


Louis' POV:

"You're so ugly!"

"Kill yourself!"

"Nobody likes you!"

"Stop torturing us with your girly voice!"

"You're worthless!"


"You will never be accepted!"

"We hate you!"

They shout while pushing me against the lockers in the school. They push me against them, grabbing my collar, over and over again.

"Stop!" I say, only causing them to laugh.

I fall to the ground and they start kicking me in my stomach and back. I cough and cry but they don't stop.

"Please!" I cry out. "What have I done?"

They keep kicking me and suddenly a fist meets my cheek and then everything goes black. The last thing I can hear is "Finally!" and footsteps.

I quickly sit up in the bed, sweat dripping from my forehead and my breath heavy and unsteady. I try to calm down but I can't hold back the tears. I pull my knees to my chest hide my face in them, sobbing quietly.

"Lou?" Harry asks sleepy.

He sees me and quickly sits up.

"What's wrong babe?" he asks, wrapping his arms around me, comforting me.

"I had a bad dream." I say and Harry rubs cirles in my back.

"What happened?" he asks.

"I was alone in school with...with them and they kept insulting me and they pushed me against my locker until I fell to the ground and then they started kicking me in my stomach and in my back and they didn't care that I was lying there coughing and crying. They just kept doing it. I told them to stop but they didn't. And then everything went black and I woke up." I say, still sobbing in my knees.

Harry puts his index finger under my chin and lifts my head up so I'm looking into his eyes. He leans in and kisses me so softly but at the same time so passionately. He pulls away and pulls me into his arms, holding me as close as possible and I bury my face in his neck.

"I would never let this happen." he says, his voice soft but serious.

"I will never let them hurt you again." Harry says.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." he whispers and kisses my forehead.


In the morning we wake up again and luckily I didn't have another dream.

"Hey Boobear, how did you sleep?" Harry asks, his finger sliding over my temple, to my cheek down to my chin and back up.

"Better." I say smiling.

"What do you think about staying at home today, just cuddling, watching videos, skyping with the others maybe?" Harry asks and I nod.

"I'd love that." I say.

"I think mom made breakfast. Are you hungry?" he asks and I nod again.

 He lifts me up and carries me downstairs. I wrap my arm around his neck and our mom laugh when we enter the kitchen.

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