Chapter 7

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Louis' POV

I pack the rest of my things into a bag and bring it downstairs where already some suitcases are standing. I place the bad next to them and then the doorbell rings. I open the door and my uncle James is standing in front of me smiling. He hugs me and then he comes indside. He's here because he will drive us to the aiport. I help him bringing the suitcases and bags into the trunk of his car and after a few minutes we're finished. My mom and sisters come downstairs and we sit down in the car. Then we drive to the airport and we take our luggage. We say good bye to James and then we go in. We go to the check in and then to the baggage check. It dosn't take us that long and soon we're sitting on some chairs, waiting for our plane.

"How long will we fly?" Daisy asks and sits down next to me.

"I don't know, but it will be a bit longer." I say and she smiles.

Finally we can go in the plane and I sit down on my seat next to the window. I'm happy that I can look out of it so I can see when we land. I buckle me up and then the plane takes off. I can see how everything gets tiny outside and the cars look like ants. Then the houses get tinier and then I can only see clouds anymore. Phoebe who is sitting next to me leans over me so she can look out the window and she starts smiling. It's the first time the twins are flying so it's pretty exciting for them.

"Are clouds like candy floss?" Phoebe asks grinning and I start chuckling.

"No, you can't touch or eat them." I say.

"Can we open the window?" she asks and I shakes my head.

"Then we would die." I say and she looks at me shocked.

"Why?" she asks.

"There is no oxygen out there because we're too far away from the ground." I say and she smiles.

"Then we shouldn't open the window." she says and I nod.

I take out my phone and see a new message from Stan.

Stan: "Have fun!"

Louis: "Thanks!"

Stan: "Where are you actually going?"

Louis: "England."

Stan: "Really? Amazing! I want to go there too!"

Louis: "Haha yeah!"

I put my headphones in and listen to some music and after a while I fall asleep.


A few hours later:

"Louis, wake up! We can eat something now." Daisy shouts shaking me.

I slowly opwn my eyes and yawn. Then I look out of the window and see still see clouds. A stewardess comes to us and asks what we'd like to eat. She gives all of us a bottle of water and box with a sandwich, a chocolate bar and a pudding in it. I open it and start eating the sandwich. It's pretty good and I'm hungry so I'd eat it anyways. When I'm finished I eat the pudding and then the chocolate bar. I put my headphones back in and close my eyes. Soon I'm asleep again.


A few more hours later:

"Louis! Wake up! We'll be there in a few minutes!" Daisy and Phoebe shout and I open my eyes.

"Thanks for waking me." I say and look out of the window.

I can see London and all its beauty. The Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, the London Eye. From up here you can really see everything. It's so beautiful! I don't understand why Harry doesn't like to live here! I buckle up again and then we land. It hate landings, it's always shaky and I just don't like it. I take my bag and we go out of the plane. It's warm outside, but not as warm as in Miami where I'm from. We go into the airport and get our luggage. Then we go outside and get us a taxi. The taxis look funny here. They are black and not yellow like in America. We sit down in there and we tell the driver to drive us to a good restaurant because we're still hungry.

After a few minutes we arrive at a nice looking restaurant and my mom pays the driver. We go inside and sit down at a table. A water comes over to us and we order something to drink. A few minutes later she brings our drinks and we order something to eat. It doesn't take much time and we get our food. It's really good! The accent of the waiter is pretty funny, but I think that's normal here. Harry's accent isn't weird. It sounds pretty normal to be honest. We pay and then we get us another taxi. We sit down in it and tell the driver Harry's adress. He drives there and we pay him. We take out our luggage and I take a deep breath. I ring and wait in front of his door. Hopefully he's at home!

A curly haired guy opens the door and looks at me confused. Suddenly his jar drops and I start smiling. Harry's beautiful green eyes stare into mine a smile curls onto his plump pink lips.

"L-Louis?" he asks and I nod smiling big.

A.N: Haha! Cliff hanger! I know sorry!

Who thought this would happen? I hope it was kind of a surprise!

The next chapter will be up soon! I promise! I won't let you wait long for it!

I hope you liked it even though it was short!

Bye beauties!

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