Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Oh by the way when I said you can stay with me I meant you can stay with all of us,” Harry said pulling up to a really big house.

“You guys live here,” I said pointing at the house.

“Yeah,” Harry said parking his car and getting out.

“So I guess you can put Tyler in the guess room and you can sleep in Niall’s since he’s not here,” Harry said pointing at rooms then went to his own.

         I put Tyler to bed then went to Niall’s room. His room was really big and his bed was huge. I sat down on his bed and just cried. I hated myself so much for what I did. I should have never moved here I thought.

“None of what happened tonight is your fault,” Louis said coming into the room to probably drop off the clothes.

“It is though Louis I shouldn’t have moved out here,” I said still crying.

“It’s not your fault it’s just its really hard to let the one you used to love go,” Louis said pulling me up and hugging me.

“How was he,” I asked once I was down crying.

“He was mad but he’ll get over it for now get some rest,” Louis said truthfully.

“Night Lou,” I said as he left the room.

“Night love,” he said then left.

          It was two in the morning now and I was still awake. I couldn’t go to sleep I had too much on my mind. I heard footsteps walking towards the door so I sat up. In walked Niall and I’m guessing he didn’t see me because he took off his shirt and pants.

“Why’d you come back,” I said and I guess I startled him.

“Skii convince me too,” he said sitting on the end of the bed.

“Well goodbye,” I said getting up.

“Wait your seriously still mad,” Niall said getting up.

“Why should you care if I’m still mad you don’t care about me anymore remember,” I said and with that went to go find out which room was Harry’s.

“Harry,” I said when I found his room because I found everyone’s room before his.

“Hmmm,” he said sitting up.

“Can I sleep with you Niall kind of came back,” I said to Harry walking towards his bed.

“Sure love,” he said laying back down.

“Thanks,” I said slipping in the covers and cuddling with Harry.

“Harry,” I said again.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“I like you,” I said to him.

“I like you too,” he said and then we fell asleep.

** In the morning**

“Harry stop moving I have to clean your cuts,” I said to him.

“But it hurts,” Harry said as Tyler walked through the door.

“Sissy Skii’s here,” he told me.

“Alright how about you go downstairs and ask one of the boys to put cartoons on for you,” I said to him and he left.

“You want me to stay with you,” Harry asked me.

“No I got,” I said then went downstairs to talk to Skii since she wanted to talk.

“Hey,” I said to her then walked to the backyard.

“Hi,” she said to me.

“So what do you want to talk about,” I asked her.

“You can’t date Harry,” Skii said to me.

“And why not,” I said getting a little mad.

“It’s not right you can’t date your ex’s best friend/ band mate,” she said calmly.

“Yes I can I didn’t get mad when he wanted to date you,” I said.

“That’s different,” she said to me.

“It really isn’t and this conversation is over,” I said walking back inside.

“Fine just run away from your problems,” she said to me then left.

   What the heck. This day couldn’t get any worse I thought to myself. I thought wrong though it just did. It was the worst possible phone call I could get.

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